Chapter 9

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DonDons Pov.
Their gazes were boring into my head. Each gaze had a diffrent expresion on it. The pug showed fear, the vampire showed anger. The redheaded demons face was a mixture of confusion and hatred. While the blue robot remained emotionless. I wanted to run. To head into the woods and never come back. But something stopped me.
I looked to my taller counter part, whose gaze met mine. I tried to keep my face stoic as purple eyes met my ugly yellow. His face. His stupid face gazed down at me with sad eyes. "Um don't worry." Jon laughed sadley. "Its not you." The vampire growled stomping over to me.
"What did you do?! Why did Jon bring you back?! Did you manipulate him?!" I could smell the iron on his breath as Nick (such a childish name) yelled at me. His face was only centimeters away from mine. But even with his ugly mug so close, I could read his face completely. He was enraged.
The red headed vampire grabbed onto Nicks arms, pulling him away from me. I could hear her whisper from were they congregated. "Don't let him get to you." She criticized. "This peice of crap isn't worth our time." Du-I mean Uni, let out a shaky laugh. Eyes locked on me.
I could feel it. The negative thoughts ones feelings all around me. In all honesty, it felt like home. And that scared me. Jon put one of his gloved hands on my back. Trying to show some from of affection. I could tell out of the corner of my eye his face was sad. Something I bet he never felt.
But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered at the moment. I could feel spasms run threw out my body. For some reason a sound erupted threw my throat. And next thing I knew, the mood changed. The feeling of hatred turned into one of fear. Tears stained the only set of clothes I owned.
Laughter escaped my mouth with a terrible force. It caused me to become hunched over. And the worst part? I didnt even know why I was laughing. "You idiots!" I gasped between breaths. "Your just as bad as them!" Their looks of shock increased the sound by ten fold. Not even Jon's 'comforting' actions could stop me.
I wasn't aware I was running until shouts echoed behind me. I could hear Jon begging for my return. The wind that passed me dryed the insanity on my skin. My lungs ached and burned from the misuse. But at the moment, I didn't care. If I wanted to be yelled at, I might as well head to the center of it. I wonder if they even cared I was gone for over 3 hours....
JonJons Pov.
" Don! Come back!" I yelled after the shorter jester. Many thoughts ran threw my head as I watched my double genger sprint into the forest. But all were abruptly shattered. "Thank Goodness. He was so annoying." Ashilie's normally sweet voice sneered.
All around me my friends grumbled in agreement. Uni turned to me with serious eyes. "What in the world possed you to bring him here Jon?!" For some reason I couldn't find a good awnser. My voice was quite. "I-He was hurt. I t-thought Dawn could help h-im." The white yellow bandeges crossed my mind. Million of thoughts crossed my mind. And I hated all of them.
Dawn shook his head. Why? Why are they acting like this? "At least he ran away before I could secure him." Can't believe it. They were acting... Acting like them. And it was ticking me off. Did they reaLou hate our double gangers that much? To hate someone, even if they were hurt and scared?
"You dont get it do you?" I asked, my voice lowering a octive. "Your acting like they did when I was captured! We could have changed his mind! To not want to kill us!" My heart ached the louder I became. "He wasnt just hurt. He was scared! He had bandages around his neck! Why did you act like that?!"
"Jon.." Uni tried, but I held up my hand silencing him. "He could have killed me." A irie silence fell upon the group. "I could have been murdered. But I wasn't." I glared at Uni. "You told me all of our double gangers would kill us in cold blood. But here I am!" After awhile I turned around and turned to the forest.
No one stopped me.
Don Don's Pov.
"NO!" I screamed into that inky night sky. "Someone gag him!" Duni's rough voice growled up ahead. A long dirty rag was shoved over my mouth. Ddawn tying it painfully tight. Successfully muting me. Dashilie and Dick yanked the rope around my wrists, making me stumble forward.
I struggled against my restanmints with as much force as I could muster. I needed to get away! "Don't be such a baby." Dashilie cackled."You brought this upon yourself!" Fear and panic replaced rationalism the closer we came to our destination.
The crusher sat mengisily in front of us. Ddawn laughed evily as I shook in fear. "Don Don." Duni's voice boomed. "So far you have been nothing but a disapointment and a failure. Not only have you failed your mission, but we have evidence that you were with Uni and his friends. And you made no attempt to kill them. Therefore, we can no longer trust you. Since we cannot kill you, you will live in the crusher for the next week."
Cold sweat ran down my face. Multiple hands pressed against my red vest pushing me in. Dashilie latched on to my hair on the way down. His sharp talons caused Agony to my head. "Have fun twerp! I know I will!" She then let go and let me fall into my death.
At first it was quiet. Despite the loud beating of my own heart. Always still and peaceful. I could hear everything above me. Including the voices of my friends. "The traitor is ready. Let him have it Ddawn." I couldn't see anything in the dark hole. Not until it was too late. Suffocating sand-filled my vision. And then came the pain.

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