➿(Part 30)(woke!)➿

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Your POV

I opened my eyes fully to see two boys now. Steve and Mike. Suddenly the voice I heard clicked. The voice that was freaking out wasn't Mike. It was Steve.

"Jesus chrimany! You about scared me to death Y/N! Oh god." Steve panicked and pulled me and Mike into a group hug. I wasn't expecting this. I looked over to Mike and saw his eyes closed. Even though they were closed, I could tell Mike had been crying. I know him all to well.

"Mike, thank you. Steve, thank you." I cried into this emotional hug.

"It's all worth it. All worth it." Mike responded and patted my back. I felt more people join the hug. When I look around me, I saw the people I knew cared about me most. Well other than hopper and Jane. I took a deep breath and saw the smiles on people's faces.

"Anyone check up on Will lately?" I ask while killing the mood. Mike sighed and so did Dustin.

"Lucas has been with him. Every now and then me and Mike would go check on him. Will's getting better." Dustin informed me. I nod and snuggled back into this big bear hug.

"Y/N?" A girls voice said from behind me. I get myself out of the hug and see her. Jane. The girl who sacrificed her own love life for mine.

"Jane!?" I smiled and ran to her. After all, she is my sister now and I'm gonna have to get use to that. And so will Mike.

"Oh god, Jane! Jesus. This whole bullshit that you just walked into-
You're probably so confused." Dusting laughed and walked over to us as well.
I look behind Jane and saw hoppers truck. As I look behind me, I see Brendon and his family.

"Just a minute." I say and jog over to Brendon. I give him a very tight hug and pull Dallon into it.

"Thank you for everything. This 'bullshit', as Dustin says, has been crazy. I appreciate everything you've done. This is all I could've asked for. Your family is amazing and gets along better than I've ever gotten with Mine. Don't ruin it Bren. I gotta go back home now. Goodbye." I smiled and walked away from them. I can't cry again. Not now at least. Mike follows me to hoppers truck and opened my door. Then he gets in after me. (In the back seat)
Jane sat in front and me and Mike sat in the back. Then Steve crawled in too. It's way to crowded.

The car ride was super awkward. Nobody spoke a word. I felt the disappointment rise every time hopper would look back at me.
I rest my head on the door and close my eyes. It's gonna be a long ride. I felt Mike put his jacket on me and tuck it around me. I smiled softly and sat up. I placed my head on his lap and repositioned his jacket. Like that, I was out.

Mike's pov

Every now and then I would see Jane look back at me and Y/N. She didn't look angry or sad. She just looked... abandoned if that makes sense. Like I left her to die. I looked over to Steve and saw him sleeping as well. Surprised he's not snoring or something. Once again Jane looked back at me. I placed my hand on the middle console and she placed her hand on mine.

"Jane, we've been through so much. I don't ever wanna hurt you. I just... I'm not sure. I-"

"Mike, it's okay. I'd give up anything for your happiness. Even if it makes me miserable. and without you I'll be miserable at best." Jane explained and pulled her hand away. She stared out the front window and watched the rain drops fall down. I look down to
Y/N and see her peacefully sleeping. Something she probably hasn't gotten much of. I rub her head and rest my head against the seat. Maybe one day, I can call her mine.

Your POV

When I woke up the car was stopped and Mike was trying to wake me up.

"Y/N, we're Home." He shakes me lightly and unbuckled me. I stretched out and crawl to the door. My legs and body hurts like hell. How did I manage to even get around in the first place.

"Mike. I can't. It hurts." I whined and sat on the edge of the car seat.

"Fine. Steve!" Mike yelled. Steve jogged over and looked to me. I think he knew. After all, he is like a parent to many of these boys. Steve picks me up and carried me into the house.
Hopper didn't dare to look at me. He went straight to his room and didn't even say goodnight. Parents fight with their kids. It happens. I know he'll come around. I sit at the table as Steve and Mike look for food. Jane sat on the couch flicking though t.v channels.

"Hey, Y/N?" Jane called me. I look over to her and she looked away quickly.
"Can we talk Please." She asked. I smiled and nodded. I sit next to her and she begins to talk.
"I'm sorry Y/N. For having a fight with you over Mike. I guess siblings fight. I wish we didn't but it happens. Again I'm sorry." She apologized and hugged me. I hugged her back and watched the channel she was watching.

I never gave up. (Mike wheeler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now