The Beautiful Boy

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"Here we are." Linda exclaimed, her and her son looking at the small cottage that was in front of them.

Frank didn't know why but his mom thought it was a great idea to spend the entire summer at an isolate cottage, far away from civilisation.

There was absolutely no WiFi or even phone connection, it was freezing cold there despite it being Summer, there was lots of bugs and insects everywhere and there was really nothing to do there.

Frank's plan was to sleep as much as possible to make the time go faster, because he didn't know how else to pass the time. Sleep seemed like a good way to block out all the terrible aspects of the holiday as well as keeping Frank healthy and replenished.

Frank helped his mom unpack the bags from the car and take them inside and once he was in the cottage he did a quick tour of the place just to see what he was working with.

It was very small although cozy and seemed to have everything to fulfill your basic needs. As you walk in there was the lounge with a T.V. that doesn't actually work and a fireplace, then the kitchen and dining room are joint to the lounge. There's a long hallway that leads from the lounge with many doors on either side, two on the right are bathrooms, two on the left are bedrooms and the one at the end of the corridor is a door leading downstairs to the basement of the cottage. The basement was another bedroom with two separate beds and no windows, making it very dank and dark.

The rooms were very simple with only basic furniture, and the rooms weren't very big either.

Just by going through the house Frank could already tell how terrible his holiday would be. All he wanted to do was spend his holiday playing guitar, smoking pot and hanging out with his friends and going to parties. But he couldn't do any of those things at the cottage, which equaled even more boredom for Frank.

His mom told him that the basement bedroom was his and so he dropped all his stuff in there, he was actually pretty happy about it because the room was perfect sleeping conditions. When Frank went back to his mom she was packing all the food and drinks into the fridge and cupboards.

"Why'd you pick a place with so many bedrooms?" Frank asked, plopping himself on the kitchen counter top.

"Oh, another family is going to stay with us."

Frank furrowed his brows. "Other people are going to be here too?"

Linda nodded as she finished putting the milk away.

"And you didn't tell me? This is going to be a nightmare." Frank threw his arms up in annoyance.

"Actually I heard the family have two teenage sons, one's your age. You never know, you might end up becoming friends." Linda said hopefully. Frank rolled his eyes and groaned.

Usually Frank was a very social, friendly person but that was when he was with his friends and not some random stranger that he didn't know anything about.

"He's probably a weirdo, anyone who would willingly come here is weird."

Linda smacked Frank on the kneecap. "It's going to be fun, trust me. We can go fishing, or go for hikes or go rowing in the lake." Linda packed away the last of the food before taking her bags to her bedroom, Frank following behind.

"None of that sounds fun, I'd rather stay inside."

Linda huffed and shook her head at her stubborn son. They both heard the sound of a car park outside and somebody opened the front door.

"I guess they're here already, please be friendly." Linda urged, heading out of the room.

Frank grumpily followed, plastering a fake smile on his face.

"Hello, you must be the Ways. I'm Linda and this is my son Frank."

Frank gave a weak wave before crossing his arms.

"It's great to meet you. I'm Donna, this is my husband Donald and these are my sons Mikey and Gerard." A smiling woman said, walking into the house.

Frank could see one of the sons, he was lanky and had messy brown hair and glasses that were so far down his nose that they threatened to fall off at any second. He didn't look very friendly and his expression stayed in the same neutral state the whole time.

Frank craned his neck to see the other son who was right at the back of the family. Once everyone was inside and Linda and Donna were chatting away, already best friends, that's when Frank saw him.

Everything stopped and it seemed like the world around Frank had been muted. There stood the most beautiful boy Frank had ever seen. He had jet black locks that reached his shoulders and emphasized his milky white skin, the most precious gems could not compare to his sparkling hazel eyes and he had a little pixie nose that was pointed at the end in the cutest way.

Frank was sure the boy noticed him staring because he blushed and turned away.

Everyone else had scattered throughout the house, getting themselves settled in, leaving Frank and the boy alone. Not knowing what to do, Frank went to his bedroom to escape the beautiful boy because he felt like his eyes were not worth seeing someone so magnificent.

But ironically, the boy came wandering down the stairs into the basement. When his eyes landed on Frank he froze in place, their eyes locking.

"Oh, I guess we're sharing a room." Frank shrugged, pointing to the single bed across the room that was identical to his own. The boy didn't say anything and he sat down on the bed, throwing his bags on the floor.

Frank noticed the name 'Gerard' on the one backpack, he liked that name, it sounded pretty just like Gerard.

"So, Gerard, where are you from?" Frank asked, stretching himself out on his bed.

Gerard just looked at Frank as if he didn't speak English even though he obviously did.

"Okay, what school do you go to?" Frank asked, but again Gerard just stared blankly.

"Fine, don't tell me, but I'm going to keep asking you. I'm Frank, as you heard, I'm from Belleville, New Jersey and I go to Belleville High School."

Frank noticed Gerard's eyes widen slightly.


Gerard just turned to his bags and started unpacking everything into the closet in the room.

"So you're sixteen too?" Frank asked, watching as Gerard carefully closed the closet and turned to face him. All Gerard did was nod and then hurry out of the room, still not saying anything.

Frank was intrigued by this shy boy, Gerard didn't want to speak to Frank even though all Frank wanted to do was know a bit more about him. It appeared as though Gerard was very quiet and introverted based on the fact that he wouldn't talk to Frank, that or Gerard just didn't like Frank for some unknown reason.

But Frank was determined to get Gerard to open up because a boy that beautiful deserved to be heard loud and clear.

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