It's Okay

198 23 106

(Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's not that good, sorry, but here you go.)

Frank and Mikey had just finished making breakfast when Gerard came sauntering into the kitchen and sat at the dining table. Frank noticed him picking at the black nail polish, as he smiled slightly at the toasted cheese sandwich Mikey placed in front him.

"Thanks." Gerard murmured, picking it up and taking a small bite.

Frank and Mikey started eating their own sandwiches and started a discussion about guitars and music, Gerard didn't say anything as he finished his breakfast in tiny bites. 

"Woah, well done Gee. I'm so proud of you." Mikey exclaimed, high-fiving Gerard after seeing the empty plate. Gerard blushed and his eyes sparkled with pride, making Frank go gooey inside.

"It's really good you're eating now, it makes me happy." Frank smiled sweetly at Gerard who blushed and looked down.


"I'm going fishing again, boys." Linda said, darting past them and out the door.

"What are you guys going to do today?" Frank asked, taking all their empty plates to the sink.

"I think I'll go for a walk later but other than that, nothing." Mikey said, yawning.

"Just draw I guess. Actually, I've got a really good idea so I'll just go now." Gerard mumbled, getting up and wandering to the basement to go draw.

Mikey pulled Frank close and whispered to him even though Gerard wouldn't be able to hear them if they spoke normally.

"Frank, I just wanted to thank you because you must have done something right because Gerard's eating and he picked off the nail polish, that means he's not super sad anymore. I haven't seen him smile in a long time."

Frank blushed at the thought that he had made Gerard happy. "Oh, I don't really know what I did but that's good."

"Yeah it is. I think I'll actually go for a walk now before it gets really cold later on. See you later." Mikey left, zipping up his hoodie as he walked out.

When Frank entered the basement, Gerard was sitting on his bed, drawing with his sketchbook on his lap. He glanced up and smiled softly when he saw it was Frank.

"Where's Mikey?" Gerard asked as he watched Frank sit next to him on his bed.

"He went for a walk." Frank briefly peeked at the sketch of a bleeding heart that Gerard was drawing.

"That's amazing, you really are super talented." Frank said, smiling as Gerard blushed.


They sat together for a few more minutes, just feeling comfortable in each other's company as Frank watched Gerard draw. It was really fascinating to see as Gerard's pale wrist flicked against the blank paper, creating all sorts of different lines. As the pencil marked the page in confident strides, Frank failed to see how they would form a picture but he was proven wrong when an amazing artwork was the outcome.

Eventually, once Gerard was finished the drawing, he closed the book and looked to Frank.

"Frank, do you really like me?" Gerard's eyes drilled into Frank's as he waited for a response.

"Yeah, you're like really pretty."

Gerard blushed a deep crimson and looked down into his lap.

"But I'm messed up, isn't that enough to make you not like me?" Gerard asked, his gaze still facing down.

"Why would that make me like you any less? You're still beautiful and talented no matter what. And you're not messed up, you're just a little complicated which is completely fine." Frank placed his hand on Gerard's shoulder, showing he really meant what he said. Gerard gave Frank's hand a worried glance before breathing out a small sigh and looking back to Frank.

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