I Want You To

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Gerard's eyes went big as he pulled away from Frank.

"I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry." Gerard mumbled, his words mixing together to form a barely coherent sentence.

Frank was pulled back into reality as he got his brain to work properly again. "No...I liked it."

Gerard's face lightened up slightly as he scooted closer to Frank again but then he pouted again. "Frank, to be honest, I really really like you and I really like it when you touch me. But I know how this goes, you'll end up hating me and then you'll see how ugly and fat I am."

"Gerard, I'll never think you're any of that, you'll always be beautiful to me." Frank said, gently pulling Gerard close to him so that they were cuddling together under the covers. "But don't take this all too fast, I really like you and I'd love for us to maybe give this a try but you need to tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable or you don't want me touching you."

"I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do, Frank. You make me happy and you treat me so nicely and say all these sweet things that make me feel better about my body. It's like you're some kind of magic antidepressant that makes me forget all my issues." Gerard smiled gently as Frank squeezed him tighter.

"That makes me really happy. So are you okay with me touching you on a regular basis like during the day?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, I want you to. Thank you, Frank." Gerard mumbled, feeling himself drift back to sleep.

Frank went to sleep feeling very happy and content, it seemed as though he was positively impacting Gerard in a great way.

In the morning Mikey, Linda and Donna had been highly suspicious of the way Frank and Gerard were interacting with each other. Gerard kept on hugging Frank randomly and the two were giggling and smiling at each other the whole time.

When Mikey and Donna had pulled Gerard aside and asked him what was going on Gerard had just said that Frank made him feel better and they shouldn't worry about it. Mikey trusted Frank but still felt hesitant to be okay with everything because the daunting thought of Gerard getting beaten up again kept looming in his mind.

Linda had been more relaxed with the whole situation but she made sure to tell Frank that he had to be careful not to mess up anything because he would have to be in the same house as Gerard for the whole rest of the Summer. And two people hating each other in such a small place wasn't a good idea.


The next few weeks passed and everything was great and Gerard was clearly in a much better headspace. His binge eating had stopped and his night terrors were a lot less frequent, because he had started sleeping in the same bed as Frank every night. It was the feeling of Frank wrapping his arms tightly around him that made Gerard feel safe and protected. Gerard had been eating solidly for a long time by now and had started to be more comfortable wearing just shirts when it was warm enough instead of only hoodies. All of it had been a gradual progression and had happened in small little doses, starting off with Gerard being okay to show off his arms every now and again and smiling more until evolving into a regular thing.

Linda couldn't really believe how much Gerard had changed just because of Frank, a full year of Gerard having problems and hating himself had been more or less cured by Frank. She was very happy because Gerard was happy but she knew that she couldn't just relax because Gerard could go back to how he was in the blink of an eye. Linda was also still a bit anxious of Frank, as nice as he was, he could still end up breaking Gerard's heart in the end.

Gerard and Frank didn't put a label on their relationship because that made it too scary, they were just people who kissed and cuddled and really liked each other.

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