Just Sleep

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Dinner had been very awkward and there wasn't much conversation around the table as they all sat in silence. Frank noticed that Gerard had two or three spoonfuls of the soup, which was more than he'd eaten the whole time he'd been there, but after that he had just idly moved the spoon around in the bowl. Linda had attempted to start some kind of discussion at one point but it died down as quickly as it had started, nobody was in the mood for talking to each other.

It was clear something had happened with Gerard based on the Way family's miserable expressions but Frank didn't want to be rude and ask, although Frank really didn't want Gerard to be angry with him, especially because he didn't understand what he had done wrong.

 Once everyone was finished eating, they split up to do their own thing just like the night before and of course Gerard had slunk back to the basement and was huddled over his art book, sketching something Frank couldn't see. 

"You know I really am sorry for whatever I did." Frank said, looking over to Gerard's bed.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." Gerard muttered softly, bringing a finger up to his mouth and nibbling at the already very short stubs. 

Frank had noticed Gerard's hands, how they were thin and pale and moved in a distinct way that told you he was an artist. His fingers were long and slender, full of experience from hours of drawing and painting and they moved in the most delicate way as if they would break at the slightest pressure applied. Frank also took special notice of Gerard's pinkies, which always seemed to stick out apart from his other fingers, no matter what he was doing, and Frank thought it was adorable.

"I think I'm going to go to bed, I'm pretty tired." Frank yawned, his mouth opening widely.

Gerard bit his lip and shut his sketch book, placing it carefully back on the nightstand next to his bed. "Me too." 

Frank was shocked that he was actually kind of having a conversation with Gerard, even if Gerard's replies were short and simple they were still making progress. Frank got up to switch off the light, carefully making his way back to his bed through the darkness, before quickly snuggling up in the warm blankets. 

It was very quiet in the area the cottage was situated because nobody else lived there and nobody except insects and some animals were awake at that time of the night. Frank and Gerard fell asleep very quickly and soon little snores coming from both of them sounded through the room.


"Help! Get off!" 

Frank bolted upright in bed, Gerard's scared screams waking him up, he flicked on the lamp to see a little bit better in the darkness. Gerard was writhing and thrashing on his bed, his face scrunched up in fear as he desperately tried to defend himself against something that wasn't there. Frank didn't know what to do as Gerard continued flailing his arms around at fresh air, broken cries dripping out of his mouth. Frank rushed towards Gerard's bed and shook his shoulders gently, trying to wake him up.

"Get off me!" Gerard screamed, swinging his fist and punching Frank right in the eye, sending Frank tumbling backwards. Frank rolled and then landed in a pile on the floor, very confused as to what was happening. Frank watched as Gerard was screaming and wriggling while staring wide eyed at fresh air, still in a state of shock and panic.

Mikey came running into the room and his eyes widened when he saw Gerard, he rushed forward and gently stroked Gerard's arm while whispering soothing things. At first Gerard's breathing became very rapid for a second but then he started to slowly calm down and the cries ceased, the movements stopped and Gerard lay motionless as if nothing had happened. Donna and Donald came sprinting in, looking disheveled and tired. Their eyes traveled from Frank who was still lying stunned on the floor and then to Mikey who was now cradling Gerard in his arms.

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