Backstory Blues

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(A/n: Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate! Here's a little Christmas present for you, also, Bert's a bad guy)

"Find something to open the door." Donald said, frantically searching the room. Frank felt like he was frozen in time as he watched everyone else look for something to break open the closet, this was all his fault. If he hadn't argued with Gerard then he wouldn't have said the thing he didn't mean to say and Gerard wouldn't be passed out in the locked closet.

"Move aside." Mikey said to everyone, aiming the fire poker he was holding at the lock of the closet. He swung it, smashing the lock on the first try and ripping open the doors. Gerard was lying curled up in a fetal position, his face still wet with tears.

"Gerard? Gerard!" Mikey tried shaking him awake but his body just lay there limply, it was quite scary to see because Gerard shared a striking resemblance to a corpse. Mikey hooked Gerard's arms around his neck and pulled him up before carrying him to the nearest bed which happened to be in Mikey's bedroom bedroom before carefully setting him down. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Frank asked, watching as Donna and Donald sat next to their son, stroking him reassuringly.

"Frank, honey, let's leave them alone." Linda muttered, pulling her son out of the room and to the kitchen where they could talk without the Ways hearing them.

Linda sighed deeply, massaging her temples. "Frank, I don't even know what to say. What happened, why are you suddenly causing Gerard to have breakdowns and panic attacks?"

"Gerard refuses to eat even when I asked him nicely and throws tantrums whenever I try to touch him, even if I'm trying to help. Then we got into an argument and I basically implied there was something wrong with him and-"

"But why are you getting yourself involved in his problems, you should only be worrying about yourself." Linda crossed her arms.

"I don't know, I guess him." Frank bit his lip and dropped his eyes to the ground as Linda's mouth opened slightly.

"But you barely know him." Linda pointed out.

"I guess it's like love at first sight but it's just a crush." Frank scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Are you saying you love Gerard?" Linda asked, her eyes going wide.

"No! No, God, mom, it's not your problem." 

"Neither are any of the things wrong with Gerard, and yet you still chose to throw yourself into those." Linda sassed, her hands on her hips.

"Mom, that's different. I just feel like I need to help Gerard because I really like him but he won't even talk to me now." Frank was the one who sighed now, wishing he could take back what he'd said.

"That's on you, I can't do anything about that." Linda went over to the fridge and got herself some juice to drink.

"Can't we just leave now, Gerard doesn't want me here and Mikey hates me too and it's probably the same with Donna and Donald." Frank aggressively ran his hand through his hair.

"'We are not leaving, I paid for the full Summer holiday so that's how long we're going to be here. You're sixteen now, you need to start fixing your own problems." Linda took a long sip of her juice, eyeing Frank expectantly.

"Fine, I will." Frank snapped.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Linda sauntered away, leaving Frank to try and figure out how he was going to apologize to Gerard in a way that Gerard would actually forgive him.

A few minutes later, Donna and Donald walked out of Mikey's bedroom.

"Gerard's awake. We have to go pick up some black nail polish." Donna said, sighing loudly. Linda came out of her room, having eavesdropped.

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