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(A/n: Idk if it's just me but I think this chapter is pretty cute.)

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

Frank looked at Gerard's soft face with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't peg you as the type to go for walks in nature." Frank said, kicking his legs up on the coffee table as the two sat in the lounge.

"I'm not, but I figured exercise is probably good for me." Gerard replied, standing up and stretching. "And besides, everyone else is out so we may as well just go outside too."

"I don't like going outside but if I get to walk with such a beautiful boy then I'll gladly join you."

Gerard blushed deeply before him and Frank left to walk down the driving path that led from the cottage.

It had been around an hour of walking until Frank and Gerard decided to go back because it had been late afternoon when they left, and they wanted to get home before it got dark. The whole time walking they got to find out more about each other and they learned that they liked most of the same music and had some similar interests. They also knew it was best to start heading back to the cottage because they could see grey clouds slowy approaching.

"Gerard, do I really make you happy?" Frank asked, focusing on the road ahead of him because it was very rocky and uneven and it was very easy to fall.

"Yeah, you treat me really nicely and it seems like you actually care about me, thank you." Gerard muttered, squeezing Frank's hand that he was holding.

"Aw, that's so sweet." Frank smiled happily at boy next to him.

Suddenly there was a large thump as Gerard tripped over a rock and fell to the ground, hitting the dirt road harshly. Frank rushed to Gerard and helped him up and Gerard immediately gripped Frank tightly as he whimpered softly.

(idk if I'm supposed to put a trigger warning here or not so I just will in case. There's mentions of blood.)

"Gee, are you okay? Let me see if you got hurt." Frank gently pulled Gerard off of him and bent down to look at Gerard's knees. The fabric was ripped by the one knee and a few small, bleeding cuts were dripping small beads of blood down his leg. Gerard's hands were also scraped pretty badly so Frank carefully raised Gerard's hands to his lips to give them little kisses.

"Is your knee sore?" Frank asked, concerned for Gerard.

"It hurts really badly, but my skin does bruise and tear easily so I'm used to it." Gerard said, glancing at his scratched palms.

"Well I'm not letting you trip again-" Frank picked Gerard up and held him in his arms bridal style, a stupid grin on his face.

"Frank! What are you doing?" Gerard giggled, impressed that such a small and short boy could carry his fat self.

"I'm making sure my boyfriend gets only the best treatment." Frank's eyes widened slightly as he worried that Gerard wouldn't want to be his boyfriend and would reject him. But Gerard's surprised smile and fluttering eyelashes confirmed he was happy to be Frank's boyfriend. It was a beautiful moment and Frank gave Gerard a big kiss as Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank's neck.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit hea-"

"I swear to god if you say you're heavy or fat then I will actually freak the fuck out right now." Frank said, shaking his head disappointedly but Gerard just shrugged slightly.

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