Vomiting is Fun

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(A/n: I was going to make one long chapter but I decided to have two separate chapters even though this all happens in one day)

Mikey strolled into the kitchen and stopped in his tracks. Frank was lying against the wall with his arms wrapped around Gerard's waist who was in his lap as Gerard slept with his head buried in Frank's neck.

Mikey took a few seconds to be confused as he tried to understand what was going on, the day before Gerard hated Frank and didn't even want to look at him but now he was on top of Frank cuddling him. It was a very odd sight especially because Gerard had barely even let Frank stand near him, let alone actually touch him for more than a few seconds but now it was like they were stuck together with glue because of how close they were to each other.

Mikey took one last look at the sleeping boys before slamming the cupboard door loudly to wake them both up, Frank and Gerard bolted upright as they were woken up with a start.

Gerard rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep and yawned before looking down at Frank. He gasped and pushed himself off Frank, running to Mikey and hiding behind him.

Frank blinked a few times to get his eyes into focus before standing up wobbly, his limbs still tired from sleep.

"Good morning guys, are you feeling better Gerard?" Frank stretched, feeling his joints pop. Gerard poked his head out from behind Mikey even though he was the same height as his younger brother, Gerard just nodded and clung onto his brother's shoulders.

"Ah, my ass is so flat, I guess there's a reason people don't sleep on the floor." Frank chuckled.

"Sorry." Gerard whispered.

"Don't be, if you ever need me I'll be here." Frank said, taking out a bowl and spoon as he made himself some cereal.

Gerard suddenly grabbed his stomach and squeezed his eyes shut in discomfort, then he ran straight to the bathroom and Frank and Mikey heard him vomiting. Mikey's eyes drifted down to the two marshmallow bags on the floor and he sighed loudly.

"Frank, what happened last night?" Mikey asked, giving Frank a suspicious look.

"I woke up to Gerard crying and he was sitting on the kitchen floor and he'd eaten those two big packets of marshmallows. Then he randomly wanted to cuddle with me and he was going on about how he's a pig and he needs to starve himself and I was telling him that he's not and he shouldn't because he's good looking. Then he fell asleep on me while crying. I don't really understand what happened." Frank said, sitting at the dining table and starting to eat his breakfast.

Mikey sighed again. "It happened again."

"This has happened before?" Frank scooped a mouthful of cereal into his mouth.

"Yeah, he does this thing where he won't eat for ages then he'll suddenly binge eat on a lot of food for a few nights and then he vomits it all back up. It's a vicious cycle." Mikey explained, sitting next to Frank as they heard Gerard throwing up more.

"And the hugging and cuddling, do you have an explanation for that?" Frank carried on eating his cereal.

"Uh...When he binge eats he tends to latch onto whoever tries to help him, he just does it and I'm not sure why. He might do or say stuff he doesn't mean, so just know that if it ever happens again. I'm gonna go sort him out." Mikey wandered off to the bathroom to help Gerard. 

Frank saw his mom come out of her room and pull a confused face as she passed the bathroom and saw Mikey holding Gerard's hair back as he hugged the toilet and threw up, the vomit a light pink color. Linda kissed Frank on the head to say good morning and started making herself some toast for breakfast.

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