Not You

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(A/n: That's basically what Frank's bruise looks like

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(A/n: That's basically what Frank's bruise looks like. Also, this chapter's kind of just a filler and I'm sorry it's so short.)

Frank woke up alone in the basement, all the previous night's memories flooding back all at once. Frank stretched while letting out a loud yawn, he was quite tired but he knew it was time to get up when he glanced at the clock. He noticed a small note on his nightstand.

The Way's and I are at that lake nearby, I didn't want to wake you up because I knew you wouldn't want to come and you looked like you were in a very deep sleep. We'll be back in a few hours.


Frank smiled slightly to himself when he realized that the majority of his holiday would be him home alone or with Gerard because Gerard didn't go outside either.

Frank loved his mom with all his heart but she got a bit much sometimes and with Frank being a pubescent sixteen year old boy, he preferred when his mom wasn't there because she tended to do the weirdest, most awkward things when it came to her son and his changes. This included her making a big fuss over all of his body hair, teasing him about his mood swings and sometimes even talking about very inappropriate things that made Frank want to die but Linda's excuse was that she just wanted him to be able to talk to her comfortably. But Frank would rather jump off a cliff than talk to his mom about his sex life or whether he experienced erections or not, with good reason.

He felt his eye suddenly throb in pain so he rushed to the bathroom to inspect the damage. The black and purple smudge had sunken into his entire eye socket, contrasting the bright shades of his hazel eyes. Gerard had thrown quite a hard punch for someone who was asleep and Frank knew that based on his own injury, Gerard's knuckles were probably also bruised. 

Frank heard a muffled voice shout 'Mom', it came from one of the bedrooms that Frank had briefly stepped into when he was touring the house. He slowly opened the door to the room and peeked his head inside.

Gerard was lying sprawled out on the bed, his raven locks sticking up in all different directions and his eyes were still heavy lidded from sleep. Frank thought Gerard looked really adorable as he stepped further in the room. Gerard froze on the bed when his eyes met Frank's and then he threw himself under the covers.

"Gerard?" Frank stepped closer to the bed, seeing nothing but a body shaped lump under the covers.

"I'm sorry." Gerard muttered, his voice rough from having just woken up.

"For what?" Frank slowly sat down on the bed, feeling the bed sink slightly with his weight.

"Punching you. It was a mistake." Gerard stayed under the sheet, not wanting to face Frank.

"It's okay, I understand what happened and I know it's not your fault. I'm not angry in any way." Gerard poked his head out from under the covers and winced at the sight of the large black and purple mark he'd caused.

"Your knuckles probably hurt, are you okay?" Frank smiled kindly as Gerard slowly got out of the covers, seeming very cautious of Frank. Gerard lifted up his dainty hand and saw red marks decorating his knuckles, Frank reached out his hand to stroke Gerard's but Gerard pulled it back quickly. Gerard blushed furiously, staring down at the bed sheets but Frank just grinned slightly.

"I can get you some ice if you want." Frank offered, eyeing the marks on Gerard's knuckles.

"No, I'm fine." Gerard muttered, smoothing down his messy hair. "Thanks."

There was silence for a few seconds as neither of them knew what to say.

"Gerard, you can be open with me if you want, Mikey told me about you."

"He did?" Gerard's eyes grew wide and he chewed on his lip nervously.

"Yeah, I know about the night terrors and stuff. I'm okay with all that."

Gerard let out a relieved sigh then looked at his hands, avoiding Frank's eyes. "It's not your problem."

"But I want to help you, Mikey already taught me how to deal with your night terrors-"

"But I want Mikey, not you."

Frank felt his heart sting slightly at Gerard's words, Frank wasn't so sure Mikey was right when he'd said Gerard liked him because he sure wasn't acting like it. 

Frank left the room without saying a word, heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He decided on having some toast with jam because it didn't take too long and it was easy to make, Frank thought it was a good idea to make a slice for Gerard too since Mikey said he had to make sure Gerard ate enough during the day.

When Frank was busy spreading the jam on the toast he heard soft footsteps approaching and glanced at the table where Gerard had taken a seat and was gnawing on his fingernails.

"I made you toast." Frank said, handing Gerard the plate but instead of saying thank you, he just looked at the toast with a look of disgust washing over his face.

"Not hungry." Gerard mumbled.

"Gerard, you need to eat something." Frank urged, sitting down across from Gerard.

"No." Was all Gerard said as he pushed the plate away aggressively and stormed off to where Frank assumed was the basement. Frank didn't understand why Gerard refused to eat, it seemed really silly to make such a big deal about somebody making you toast.

 Frank just shrugged and carried on eating his breakfast, oblivious to the meltdown Gerard was having in the basement.

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