Chapter 1

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Danielle's POV

I was in the studio hanging around with Pump and some of his friends. They all calm and funny.

We were talking about some random shit and laughing when my phone rings.
Who tf can it be?

I answer the phone without checking the caller. Always done that and I will always do it cause I'm so lazy, even to check who tf is calling me

"Who's this?"I ask

"Forgot to check who's calling u again bby Dani?"My best friend Diana says

"Oh shit it's you Diana. Bitch where tf are you?"I ask her

"Bish you dumb or high? Actually don't answer cause I know u both."She says
"And to answer you're dumb motherfucking question I'm on my way back to la. Remember? Visiting my family?"She says

"Oh shit my fault sorry. I'm kinda high."I say and giggle a little

"Obviously you're high. Anyways I'm on my way to the airport so when I text u that we're about to land can you come to the airport and pick me up? She asks
Thanks bitch I appreciate that."She says

"You didn't even let me say if I will come or not."I say

"I don't give a single shit, you're coming, high or not don't give a shit."She says

"Wow really nice well I guess I will see u in a couple of hours."I say

"See you bish."She says

"See you slut. Love you."I say

"Love you tooooo. Byeee."She says and then she hangs up

"Who was that?"Pump asks me and the others turn their attention on me

"My best friend Diana. She asked me if I can go and pick her up from the airport in a couple of hours."I say

"Who's Diana?"Lil Xan asks

"She's my best friend and also she's a youtuber. She's got a lot of subscribers. Last time she had like 5 million. She's got a few songs out doe."I say

"That's sick. I wanna hear some of her songs."He says

"Yeah!"The others say

I decided to show them one of her songs "fuck you're love" (lol the funny fact is that I spent like 5 hours trying to think of a song title 😂😂 anyways back to the story)

"Damnnnnn. That was lit."Diego says

"She went there with the lyrics. Who's it about?" Pump asks me

"It's about her ex boyfriend Jake Paul. He's a youtuber and yeah you know that type of shit. But you know he was and will always be a dick." I say thinking of the things that Diana told me about him and all the fucked up shit he did to her. I decided not to tell them about it cause it's her choice if she wants to tell them or not. That's not my decision

"Never fucking heard of this guy."Diego says

"Same tbh before she told me about him I never fucking knew this guy even existed. But anyways I need to go and pick her up." I say as I stand up from the couch

"Bruv I really wanna go and meet this girl. She sounds like a chill person to hand out with." Pump says

"We wanna come as well."The others say

"Then let's all go Init."I say and head to the door with Pump by my side and the others behind us

After like 1 hour and a half we get to the airport. We get out of the car and start heading inside. Bruv there's so many fucking people here like literally you can't even move anywhere around

I look at my phone to see what the time is and I see that Diana send me a message like 2 minuets ago

Dia bby💕❤️💓: hey babes I just landed. Hope you're here so I don't have to fucking wait for you're fucking lazy ass. Love you bish 😘❤️

Me: hey bish I'm here don't worry I got here in time. Love you too bish and I can't wait to see you😘💕💗

"Guys she landed like 3 minuets ago so she should be here in like I don't know probably like 10-15 minuets cause of all the checking shit y'all know wtf I'm talking about."I say

"That's ok."They all say

*After 20 minuets*

Diana's POV

Fuck sakes this fucking took so long like literally. I walk towards the waiting area and I notice Danielle. I fucking missed this bitch so much like literally she's been my bestfriend for like 2 years and she always was there for me when I needed her

"DANI!"I shout as I start running towards her and she does the same
I jump on her and we both fall on the floor. We look at each other and start laughing. I hug her one more time before we stand up.

There we some people around us that I just noticed. I took a better look at them and I was literally fucking shocked af

"What the fuck?" I say completely shocked when I saw who was around us

Hey guys so this was the first chapter and ik it's kinda boring but the other chapters will get better.
Love y'all❤️

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