Chapter 8

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Diana's POV

I'm currently in my house just sitting in my bedroom watching Teen Wolf when I hear my phone ring

I pause the episode and get my phone.
Unknown number

I decide to answer it

"Hello who's this?"I ask through the phone

"Did you miss me?"I hear the voice that I wished I would never hear again

It was Jake

"J-Jake?"I stuttered

"Awww so i guess you didn't forget about me. How's you're life little bitch?"He asks

"What do you want from me?"I ask him confident

"Someone sounds confident. Remember when you were I made you go on you're knees and beg me to stop beating you. You're such a weak whore."He says

"I'm not weak. I'm not weak."I say to him

"Yeah sure, you're always gonna be weak. You know that. You were always weak and will always be weak."He says

"What do you want from me?" I ask him

"You're doing good from what I see. Fucking with Lil pump and lil Xan. Doesn't surprise me."He says

"What I'm not fucking with them."I say to him

"Oh really. I bet you ask them if you can give them blowjob. I bet you give it to them for free."He says

"I'm not doing anything with them. They both are in relationships and-"

"Oh and you're really sad about that. Well how about you come over to my house. Remember the old good times?"He asks

"Remember how you use to moan my name. Beg me for more. Come on Diana I know you miss me."Jake says

"I don't miss you. How could I miss the person that ruined my life?"I ask him

"Oh come on you're making it look like I'm the bad guy."He says

"Thats the thing you are the bad guy. You ruined my life."I say to him as I feel tears running down my cheeks

"Oh is Diana  crying. Come on bitch grow up."He says to me

"Now I called you because I wanna tell you something. You do exactly what I say and if you don't then I guess I'll have to post it"He says

"Post what?"I ask him confused

"Oh let me refresh you're mind a bit." He says

I get a notification saying that Unknown number send me a video. I clicked on the video and I couldn't believe what i was seeing.

It was a video of me...

Giving a blowjob to Jake.

My hands start shaking as the tears roll down my cheeks

"You remember now?"He asks me

"Wh-why are you doing this to me?"I ask him as my voice cracks

"Oh come on isn't it obvious. I want to ruin you. I want you to never forget about me. Never move on from what happened. I want you to always remember that. I want you to suffer for the rest of you're life.

"But why? I never done anything to you."I say to him crying

"I don't care if you did anything to me. I want you to suffer for the rest of you're life. Knowing that everyone hates you, even you're friends."He says

"Now you listen to me. If you tell anyone about this that video will be all over the internet."He says to me

"How about we meet up tomorrow. We can  have some bonding time."He says

"No I don't want to do this."I say to him

"Well you really don't have a choice. You're gonna do what I say or that video will be over the internet tomorrow morning."He says

"Where should I meet you?"I whisper

"Now we're talking. I'll text you the address and time."He says

"See you tomorrow and don't forget to wear something sexy."He says before he hangs up

"Why? Why? Why?"I whisper as I continue to cry

Tears and more tears are running down my cheeks

I can't do this. I can't do this to Grayson.

But if I don't do it he will post the video and I'm gonna be screwed. Everyone will look at me in a different way

I look at my phone and see that he already sent me the address and time

I'm paying the price for my actions

Hey guys so I hope you liked this chapter. Sooo jake is back...
Don't forget to vote and comment
Love y'all💔
Xanarchy gang bishhhh💔💔💔

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