Chapter 7

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Diana's POV

So it's been a few days since I saw everyone. I've been busy with my Youtube channel, filming videos and editing them

Today I'm going over to Diego's house to just have a day like me, him and Jess.

I get to their house and I get out and make my way towards the front door and I knock

After like a minute Jess opens the door and gives me a quick hug

"Hey Diana."She says

"Heyyyy Jess. I missed you."I say to her

"Sameeee gurlll. I've missed you all these days you didn't come to the studio."She says
"Oh shit you're still outside."She says as she laughs and I start laughing as well
"Come in."She says

I step inside and just look around. This house is big. It's really nice

"So where's Diego?"I ask her

"Oh his in the living room playing video games all day. Such an lazy ass."She says and I start laughing

"Hello. You're favourite person in this world just arrived so you better give me a fucking hug."I shout

"Diana. You're here."He says and he stands up from the couch and gives me a warm hug which I immediately return

"So how's life?"He asks me

"Life's good. I've been very busy you know with my YouTube channel."I say to him

"Oh yeah the YouTube channel thing. So how about you're singing career?"He asks me

"What singing career? I don't have a singing career. Just got a few songs out on my YouTube channel and that's it. I'm not good with singing."I say to him

"What do you mean you're not good with singing? You're voice is amazing. whenever I listen to you singing it's like I listen to an angle singing."He says

"Awww Diego you're soo sweet."I say to him

"I'm backkkkk."I hear Jess yell as she makes her was to the living room.

"I love you're outfit, it's really sexy."I say to Jess

"You see this ass Diego?"I ask him as I slap Jessica's ass a little

"Yeah."He says with a smirk on his face

"It's mine. You can't have it. Only me."I say to her

"No!"He shouts

"Yes!"Me and Jess both shout in unison and we all laugh

"So how are you guys? How's you're relationship?"I ask them

"Our relationship is going good. I really love Diego."Jess says

"I love you too Jess."Diego says and they both kiss

"Awww you guys are so cute I can't. I'm gonna be the bridesmaid at the wedding, just saying."I say to them

"What? Wedding? Not now you know I'm still young."Diego says

"Yeah we're both still young."Jess says

"Do you guys think if ever getting married you know like in the distant future?"I ask them

"Well I mean we might fight sometimes but at the end of the day we're still together. He's still my boyfriend and I'm still his girlfriend even if it might be an open relationship."She says

"That's really cute."I say to them

"So how about you? You have someone special in mind?"Diego asks me

No I don't."I say to them

"You're lying. I can tell that you're lying."Jess says

"Who's the guy?"She asks me
"Come on Diana you know you can trust us."Jess says

"Ok so basically he's name is Grayson Dolan. He's a YouTuber as well and he does videos with his twin brother. He's 18 and we've been dating for a few weeks now." I say to them with a smile on my face

"Oh I know them. I saw them once on Instagram or something like that. Their really cute. I'm happy for you Diana."Jess says to me

"I'm happy too."I say to her as I continue to smile

"Omg look at that cute smile. I'm dying."
Jess says

"I have to meet this boy. I need to have a conversation with him and see what his intentions are with you."Diego says

"Grayson already knows about everything that happened between me and Jake. He was there for me when I was crying at night and having nightmares. I guess you could say that this was what made us closer."I say to him

"Still need to meet him."Diego says

"Guys I need to quickly run to the store to get something."
"I'll be back quickly."Jess says as she leaves the house

"So tell me about you and him. How did you meet?"Diego says

"Well me and him were like bestfriends before we got together. When I caught Jake cheating on me I didn't know where to go. So I went to Grayson, and him and Ethan were there for me the entire way. Telling me stuff like it's all gonna be ok. A few weeks ago Grayson asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. So that's how we are together. "I say to him

"That's nice. I hope he's gonna treat you right because you need to be treated like a queen."Diego says

"Aww Diego that is sooo sweet."I say to him

"Don't expect that too much from me doe. Cause it ain't gonna happen."Diego says

"Ok now you just killed my dreams."I say to him

"Diana, I want you to promise me that whenever you're going through a hard time or anything like that, I want you to call me or come to me."Diego says but I don't say anything

"Hey Diana, you can trust me. I will always be here for you. This might sound weird cause we've known each other for a short time but I consider you one of my bestfriends."Diego says

"I promise that I will tell you anything."I say to him

Hey guys so I know this was like an pointless chapter but I wanted to make a chapter where Diana and Diego can get closer and get to know each other better. Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment
Love y'all💔
Xanarchy gang bishhhh💔💔💔

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