Chapter 12

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Diana's POV

Have you ever wondered why you're still on this earth. On this place like this where there's suffering, hate, happiness and love. A place where some people are just so cruel, people where they want to see you suffer.

To see you break down the walls you have built. To see that you trust them and then throw that away like it's nothing.

Well that's what happened to me. And as much as I try to move on. As much as I want to rebuild these walls but I can't. I can never built them again.

As much as I try I can't be happy again. I always try to smile. Always try to laugh.
But deep inside I'm breaking apart. And nobody knows about it except from me

Nobody knows because I don't want them to see me weak. I don't want them to think that I'm weak.

But the truth is.
I am weak. I've always been weak, I would always fall for everyone's lies. At school I would always be the nice, kind hearted kid.

And I guess people took advantage from that. And after that, the thing that happened with Jake. I proofread myself that once again I'm weak and I fall for his traps.

I hate crying myself to sleep every night. I hate waking up from a nightmare crying myself back to sleep. It hurts a lot. It breaks me from the inside.

I can't do this anymore

I give up.
There's no hope, for me, for my happiness.

I guess I deserve to always be unhappy and to always feel unwanted

So why should I bother anymore. I'll do everyone a favour and end all this bullshit that everyone calls a life.

I don't want to live this way.

I just can't...

Hey guys so these couple of chapters have been quite sad I guess and but you guys will get why once the story goes on and on. So yeah hope you guys liked this chapter and remember I'm always here if you guys need me.
Love y'all

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