Chapter 5

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Diana's POV

I'm currently sitting on the couch with Jess and Dani by my side.

I think it's time to tell them about what really happened with me and Jake

"Guys I'm gonna tell you what happened between me and Jake."I say to them

"Diana if you don't want to do it we're not pushing you into telling us or anything like that you know."Pump tells me

"Nah it's ok I think it's time you guys find out about what happened between me and him"

"So I was fifteen when I came to La and I joined team 10. Like Jake contacted me and told me about everything you know and it sounded so fun and exciting and I agreed to it. So I talked to my parents and at first they didn't agree but then in the end they gave up cause they knew I was still gonna go. So I met everyone in team 10 you know and everything was going fine. At first I didn't have any feelings for Jake or anything like that cause it was weird like you know.

So now about like 3-4 month since I moved into team 10 me and Jake started getting closer and closer you know. And one thing lead to another and we got together. I was really happy and I just thought I found the right guy you know I was so young and so stupid."I say as a tear rolls down my cheek

"The first 6 months he was so sweet and it was unbelievable. But after that he started to kinda change and I still don't know to this day why he changed and why he did all these things to me. At first it was just like saying stuff like shut the fuck up or stop being a bitch. I wasn't ok with that but I just thought oh yeah he's just going through a hard time or he's stressed. But one night he came home late at night and I was waiting for him like all the night I waited for him. So when he got home I was pretty mad and I was shouting at him so he got mad as well and he slapped me across my face. That hurt me so much because for someone that you love to do that it's just really fucked up."

"So from that day everything kinda started to change like we would be like aw baby I love you and stuff like that in front of everyone but when we would go to bed like go to our room everything would take a turn and he would start shouting at me and slapping, punching and kicking me."I say as more tears roll down my cheek

"So one night he came home drunk and I was sitting with Ivan and we were watching a movie so he came home and was like what the fuck is going on like you cheating on me and shit. So he pushed me but the others got involved and told him that we didn't do anything wrong. So we went to our room and surprisingly nothing happened. He started kissing me and stuff and then he started kissing my neck. I stopped him because I was like I'm really tired you know and he was like why are you tired. Is it cause you fucked Ivan and I was like wtf like no we never did anything like that. The thing is that befor that night we had like sex you know so I was like I don't wanna do it again. He got mad and he pushed me and started slapping me."

"Then he ripped off my clothes and everything and..."I start crying and Dani instantly pulls me into a hug.

"Shhhh don't cry."She says and we pull away from the hug

"On that night he raped me and after he raped me he just left me on the floor and he went downstairs. He just left me there on the floor naked. I had do get up and clean myself and everything. I felt so dirty after that I was so embarrassed with myself. But then again I did one of the worst mistakes of my life and I continued to be in a relationship with him. After that night he would constantly and constantly rape me and I was literally so fucking dumb not to leave him but I just loved him so much that I couldn't."

"One day I went out you know and then when I came back I asked everyone where Jake is and they told me he was upstairs. So I went into our room and-"I say but my voice cracks

"And he was fucking my best friend. He was fucking Tessa and when I started yelling at him and shouting he told me it was my fault and that I was being a drama queen. So I decided that I needed to finally breaks up with him and not have anything to do with Jake Paul and Tessa Brooks ever again. And here I am not 5 months later still crying about it."I say as I wipe my tears

"Shit Diana you went through so much shit."Pump says

I look at Diego and the others and they all have a different expression on their faces

Pump has a mixture of sympathy and shock on his face while Steve and Diego look like their about to kill someone

"I'm gonna fucking kill that motherfucker." Steve says

"I'm gonna fucking kill him for what he did to you. You never deserved to have been treated like that. That's just fucking annoying to know that someone who has such a nice and pretty girl like you in their life can fucking do something like that." Diego says

"Steve, Diego, it's ok I'm over it now. Don't worry."I say to them with a fake smile on my face

I'm not ok and I'm not over it. I don't think I'll ever be over it. I thought to myself

"Come on Diana you might think you're fooling these lot."Steve says while he points to the others
"But you're not fooling me. You put a fake smile on you're face but I can see it in you're eyes. You're hurt."He says

"Come her kid."He says and I go towards him and he pulls me into a tight hug

"That little bitch is not gonna hurt you anymore."He says

"Thanks Steve."I say and we both pull away from the hug

"Hey where's my hug?"Diego asks

"Come here."I say and I pull him into a hug

"Jess come here gurllllll."I say and motion to her to come over to us

We all hug

I'm really glad that I found these people. Their amazing.

Hey guys so now you guys know what Jake really did to Diana. I really hope you guys liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment
Love y'all💔
Xanarchy gang bishhhh💔💔💔

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