Chapter 2

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"What the fuck?"I say completely shocked when I saw who was around us

"Dani what the fuck is happening?"I ask Danielle still confused

"You know when you called me and told me to come to the airport and get you?" She says and I nod but Bruv I'm still confused

"Well I was at the studio hanging out with Pump and some of his friends and then you called me and asked me to pick you up and after that they asked me who you were and I told them Init. I told them you got a couple of songs out and they asked me to play some and well I played Fuck you're love and they liked it. They wanted to come her as well and well here we are." She says

"Ohhh well that makes sense."I say

"Hey guys. Oh fuck this is so awkward. Well my name is Diana and yeah. Shit I don't even know what to say."I say awkwardly

"Well you probably know us."Lil Xan says

"Yeah obviously I know you guys. I love you're music especially you're songs."I say to lil Xan
I still don't really know his name. I know it's something with a D but I can't remember it

"She fucking loves you're music like literally she's in love with all you're songs." Dani says

"Stfu Dani."I say and I playfully push her

"Call me Diego."Lil Xan says

"Oh I knew you're name started with D I was literally trying to remember it and I came up with Dave for some odd reason but yeah." I awkwardly laugh and the others start laughing as well

"Well people thought my name was Alexander. I don't know where they got that from but yeah."He starts laughing and I laugh as well

"Come on guys let's go it's crowded af. We will talk when we get to the studio."Dani says

"Studio?"I ask

"Yeah you're coming to the studio with us." Diego says

"Okay."I say and we all start walking towards the car

*After 45 minuets*

We just got to the studio. Diego told us that his girlfriend Jess is gonna be there as well.
I fucking love Jess so much she's literally a queen

"So this is the studio."Steve tells me

"This place is huge."I say as I look around amazed

Suddenly Diego's phone rings. He answers it and then he goes to open the door.

That's probably Jess. I thought

After a little while Diego comes back with Jess behind him

"Jess this is Diana. She's Danielle's bestfriend." He says

"Hey I'm Jess."She says and hugs me
I hug her back and after a little we pull away

"I'm Diana. It's so nice to meet you, I love you so much you're my fucking queen."I say

"Awww thanks sweetie. You're so cute." She says to me

"Diego tell us more about you."Steve says

"Ok well my name is Diana Martin and I'm from New Jersey. I'm 17 and I'm a youtuber. I have 5 million subscribers. I have a couple of songs out o my YouTube channel and yeah you know. One of them and the one that has the most views, it's about my ex boyfriend, Jake Paul."I say

"Oh Danielle played it for us."Diego said
"That shit is fire."He says

"Damn girl we listened to the song. What did the poor boy do to you?"Pump says laughing

"Well it's a long story. I don't really wanna talk about it."I say and I feel my eyes starting to tear up

"Shit sorry Diana I'm sorry I brought it up."Pump says

"Don't worry it's fine. Like seriously, it's the past I'll get over it. Maybe one day I'll tell you guys about it."I say

*After 30 minuets*

While guys were working on some songs or something like that me and Dani got to know Jess better

She's so funny and she's such a sweet person.

"One time me and Dani got high and decided to watch a movie. After the movies finished we started to hear some noises from the hallway. We we're fucking scared I was hugging Dani and she had a baseballs bat in her hand."I say and I start laughing
"After like 20 minuets I decide to open the door and I saw that it was my cat. I was so fucking high that I forgot that I had a cat. I was literally like who's cat is it." I say laughing with Dani and Jess

"This is too funny. I can't."Jess says

"You girls seem to have a lot of fun together."Diego says

"Yep."I say

"Diego, Diana is our child. So she's gonna move with us."Jess says

"OMG! My parents are fucking young as fuck. Yassss now I can officially say that Jess is my mum."I say

"Mum, Dad if I'm gonna move in whit you I don't wanna hear any disturbing sounds coming from you're room. No sexual interactions while I'm in the house."I say

"Diego did you hear our daughter? No sex. So if she said no sex then no sex."Jess says to Diego

"No whyy."Diego whines like a 5 year old

"Stop whining like a little child. I'm suppose to be the child." I say and we all start laughing

*After 40 minuets*

"I had so much fun today you guys are so chill."I say as I grab my bags.

"True. Today was lit. Can't wait to hang around with you again." Jess says

"Love you mum." I say as I give Jess a quick hug

"Aww love you my child."Jess replies

"Bye guys."I say as I make my way towards the door with Dani, Diego, Jess, Steve and pump behind me.

"Bye Diana, bye Danielle."They all say in unison

"That was so fun. Thanks for bringing me here dani."I say

"Anything for you my bish. Obviously I was gonna bring you here. I know how much you admire them and I wanted to bring you here so that you get to meet them."She says

I'm so glad I have Dani in my life. She's the best

Hey guys I'm sorry if this chapter was boring. The next chapters are gonna get better
Love y'all💔
Xanarchy gang bishhhh💔💔💔

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