Chapter 14

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Warning⚠️ Suicide content. Read at you're own risk

Diana's POV

Pain changes people, it makes them trust less, overthink more and shut people out of their life.

That is what happened to me

I used to always smile and laugh. Truly smile and laugh.

But now what I always do is put a fake smile on my face. Put this mask on my face. And I feel like I'm slowly and slowly losing myself. So why should I live up this way. Why should i continue to exist on this earth.

I can't take it anymore. It's too much...

I really want to feel happy again. I really want to but there's this voice inside my head shouting "YOU DON'T DESERVE IT"

So why should I. Why should I continue to put up with this life. Continue to try and pretend that I'm not depressed. That I'm not slowly dying from the inside and it's affecting me on the inside.

So I won't even bother. Because I know I'm a lost cause. And nothing can save me except from one thing


So I decide to take out a piece of paper and a pen and start putting all my thoughts on the paper. Everything I feel. Everything I think about.

When I'm done I put the pen and the paper on my table.

I walk towards my bathroom and open one of the cupboards and take my sleeping pills.

I slowly open the lid with shaking hands. I'm really doing this...

I look at the pills that are now in my hand. Looking at them knowing that those small things in my hand are going to be the things that will help me to end my life.

"DO IT!"The voices inside my head scream at me

"You're worthless why do you even exist on this earth"

"You deserve to die"

All the voices keep on repeating over and over again

I take all the pills as I slowly swallow them. Feeling them slowly and slowly going down my throat.

I sit on my bed and slowly close my eyes. This is it
My end
I wish it didn't have to be this way but I guess this is just the way it had to be

Suicide hotline- 1-800-273-8255
Guys I just wanted to tell you that you're never alone. If you ever need help with anything I just want you guys to know that I will always be there for you and you can message me and we can talk about it.
I love y'all sooo muchhh💔💔
Xanarchy gang bishhhhh💔💔💔

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