Chapter 28

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Diana's POV

I wake up to a sleeping Diego. He looks so cute when he's asleep. He's so relaxed and calm

After half an hour Diego wakes up as well.

"Morning Babe."He says with a raspy voice

"Morning babe. How did you sleep?"I ask him

"I slept great because you were next to me." He says

"What are we gonna do today?"I ask him

"Well I'm working on a song of mine so yeah. I'm gonna head to the studio and the others are probably gonna come as well."He says

"Oh that's calm."I say

"Are you coming as well?"He asks

"Yeah obviously."I say and then I get up from bed and head to the bathroom.

"Oh and by the way Lana and Adam are coming to the studio as well and I headed that their gonna bring some other people." He says

"Oh I don't mind that."I says

*After 1 hour*

"Come on babe let's go."I hear Diego shout from the living room.

"I'm coming now."I says s I put my shoes on and head downstairs where I see Diego waiting for me

"Are you ready?"He asks

"Yeah let's go."I say and with that we leave the house

*At the Studio*

We got to the studio and I knocked on the door and Steve opens it like always.

"Hey guys."He says and give me a small hug and does a bro hug or something like that with Diego.

"Let's go inside."Steve says and we head into the studio and when we enter the room I see Jess, Dani, Pump, Lana, Adam and some blond girl.

"Oh hey Diego."She says with her high pitch voice as she runs past me and hugs Diego

She continues to hug him for a couple of more seconds until Diego sees the look on my face and breaks the hug

"Oh hey, I'm Tana."She says as she walks towards me and we shake hands

"Hey I'm Diana, Diego's girlfriend."I say and I could see the jealousy in her eyes but she tries to hide it with that fake smile

"Oh I thought he was with Jessica."She says

"We broke up Tana. I already told you that like 10 minuets ago."Jess says and Tana just gives her a death glare

I decided who just go and sit on the couch and just go through my phone while Diego and the others were recording something

"I didn't know you and Diego where a thing."I hear Tana say

"It's fine don't worry."I say

"Me and Diego used to mess around when him and Jess were together. He's a really good guy and plus his great in bed."She says

"Umm Tana can you not talk about the time when you and my boyfriend were fucking around. I don't really like that."I tell her

"Oh yeah sure."She says

"So are you guys like an actual thing or are you just fucking around?"She asks

"Why are you asking so many questions about our relationship?"I ask her

"I'm gonna say this to you. When he gets bored of you he will come back to me baby girl."She says with a smirk on her face

"Trust me he will never get bored of me. We're like a forever thing you know, So we ain't gonna break up too soon."I say with a smirk on my face

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