Chapter 6

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Vanessa pov
Vanessa invited Andrew to have dinner at her place,Andrew arrived at Vanessa's house with Ikhlas,Vanessa is not happy on seeing Ikhlas.The three of them sat on the dining table eating the meal prepared by Vanessa.

"Amazing meal"Andrew complemented

"Thank you "Vanessa replied

"I am really enjoying this meal,mashallah "Ikhlas said

"Thank you Ikhlas,so tell me what do you do for a living"

"Well am an accountant,I work in hotel intercontinental Cali"

"Really?i have a freind there"

"Oh that's nice"Ikhlas sipped her glass of fruit wine "so what do you also do for a living?"

"I am a photographer,and also a graphic designer,I focus more on photography,I designed the photos for the advertisement of the hotel in which you are working in"

Ikhlas gasped "not bad!keep it up"Ikhlas paused for some seconds "I seriously need to use the ladies"

"Okay,ermm when you go upstairs,turn by your left, they are two doors facing each other,the one with the blue handle is the my room"

"Thank you"Ikhlas leaves the dinning to use the ladies.

Vanessa and Andrew engaged themselves in a little conversation. Vanessa gasped "oh my god"

"What is the matter?"Andrew asked in a worried tone

"I will be right back"Vanessa ran upstairs,Ikhlas was about to open a door with a red handle,suddenly Vanessa touched Ikhlas at her back

Ikhlas gasped "ya Allah,you scared me"

"Oh did I?i am so sorry,have you used the restroom?"she asked staring straight into Ikhlas brown eyes"

"Yes I have,is there anyone at home except for the three of us?"

"No!why do you ask?"

"Well I heard a sound coming from this room"

"It must be a cat who got in through my mom's window,don't let that bother you"

"Okay thanks,we should chase the cart away then"Ikhlas said about to open the door

Vanessa gripped Ikhlas by the arm "I said don't let that bother you."Vanessa said in a strange tone,she faked a smile before letting go of Ikhlas arm

Ikhlas rubbed her arm gently "if you insist"

"Of course I do insist,shall we go downstairs now?"

"Sure"Ikhlas replied in a scared tone

They both got downstairs,Andrew was watching a television program in the parlor."I can see you ladies left me downstairs to have a chit chat  right "

Vanessa smiled "sort of"

"Andrew,can we leave now,I'm feeling so tired already"

"Sure"Andrew replied

"What?you are leaving now?"Vanessa asked Ikhlas

"Well the thing is,we had a presentation this evening,and I'm so tired,I came here because Andrew requested "

"Oh I see"

"Lets leave"Andrew said.andrew hugged and pecked Vanessa on the cheek "good night "
Ikhlas and Andrew drove off, Vanessa locked the door behind her and breathed a sigh of relief "that was close "Vanessa moved upstairs,she opened the door with the red handle,she turned on the lights and picked a whip hanged around the wall.the wall was filled with weapons like knives of different size.the room was painted black.a man was gagged with ropes on a chair sitting at the center of the room.the man looked helpless,Vanessa moved closer to the man and gave him a hard whip on his back "oh daddy,it hurt me to see you like this"she removes the plaster from his mouth "

The man breathed heavily "va...vane"

"Don't call my name,you scumbag"Vanessa gave him a slap on his face "I hate you father,the torture which I and mother have given you for the past two months is nothing compared to the pain you gave my mother"Vanessa gave him another whip on his back

"Wa...wa...water"he said while breathing heavily

Vanessa took a glass of water from the table,spatted on it,the man was so tasty.she held his head downward and poured the glass of water on his face and mouth,he hurriedly drank it to quench his taste.she took a knife and held the man left palm and gave a mark  slowly on it.he groaned  in pain .she returned the plaster back to his mouth.she continued to use the knife on him.she gave him a mark on his palm"this is the hand you used to him my mother"blood gushed out heavily from his hand,tears rolled down heavily from his eyes."I hate you dad,I hate you "she says repeatedly as she used the knife to give him a mark from his palm to his arm"I will make sure you die a slow painful death" Vanessa kicked punched him in his stomach repeatedly until her mom came in  and held her into her arms "it's okay my love"she took Vanessa away from the room.

Ikhlas pov
."baby,are you okay?"Andrew asked

"Yes,your freind seems weird"

"I don't understand"

Ikhlas explained what occurred between her and Vanessa when they were both upstairs "I don't know but there is something about that lady that seems mysterious "

"Nah,I don't think so,okay here we are.good night love"

Ikhlas grabbed Andrew by the neck and Gave him a kiss on his lips "good night"

Andrew smiled "I love them soft lips of yours"

Ikhlas smiled "bye "
Ikhlas goes into her house,her aunt was fast asleep.ikhlas searches her bag her for her phone"where have I dropped this phone?"she asked herself puzzled
Ikhlas used her landline to phone Andrew,andrew picks up "hello Andrew"

"Missing me already?"Andrew teased

Ikhlas giggled over the phone "stop it,did i leave my phone in Your car?"

"Yes you did"

Ikhlas gave a sigh of relief "I thought I misplaced it"

"I will bring it for you tomorrow before you leave for work "Andrew paused for a minute "I will be going on a two days trip tomorrow "

"And you are telling me now?"

"Sorry,didn't want to bother you "


"Good night "

"Good night "Ikhlas hanged up the phone and tossed onto her bed.ikhlas felt uneasy,she kept on seeing Vanessa's face if she closed her eyes.she sat on her bed and prayed to Allah for protection.

Hope you loved it?????😁😁😁

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