Chapter 7

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Nicole pov
Nicole sat in the airplane,with her headphone on her ears,surfing the net.a stranger sat beside her talking to her "excuse me"

Nicole didn't hear a thing as she was engrossed in what she was doing.the stranger took the headphone off her ears"hello "

"What the f...."Nicole paused as she saw the face of the was the same stranger which she saw at the mall in California now they are in the same plane,sitting beside each other."hey "she said as she stared into his amazing green eyes

"You remember me?"andrew asked

"Of course I do,how are you "she said with a smile

"Am andrew "andrew offered her a handshake

Nicole complied"Nicole is the name"

"You have an amazing name,my late mother's name"

"Aww am so sorry"

"It's okay,so where are you heading to?"

"Well am going to France "

"You must be kidding me?am also going to France for a two days trip."

"It means we will be arriving at the same airport before taking another flight to France "

"Exactly"Nicole replied "so are you lodging in a hotel or you have a relative there?"

"I will be staying in a hotel,my travel agent is not responding to my messages .i will have to get myself a hotel to stay as soon as I arrive at France "

"Why not stay in mine?i don't mind and you will have a discount as far as you show the receptionist this purple voucher "

"So you own a hotel in France?"

"Yes"Nicole paused for a minute"so what do you do for a living?"

"I am a business man,I deal with electronics "

"Not bad,hmmmh perhaps I should award you the contract of supplying electronics to my hotel in California?"

"Sure,why not,what is the name of the hotel "

"Hotel intercontinental Cali"

"Whoa,that's like one of the most expensive hotel in California,you guys make good money "

Nicole giggled "the hotel belongs to my father,just assisting him in running the business,am just a manager there"

"Ooo so you are Nicole George?"

"Yeah"Nicole dropped her phone "heard of me before?"she asked

"I guess so"andrew gave Nicole his phone "mind if I have your number?"

"Not at all"Nicole takes the phone from him and dailled her number before returning th phone back to him"put your phone on flight mode "

"I forgot,thanks,"

"No problem "

Ikhlas pov
Ikhlas received a parcel from an unknown person,she opened her surprise she found a knife covered with blood,she quickly dropped the knife on her table"ya Allah"she panted really hard,her hands began to shake,she gently sits in the chair and picks up the note which came with the parcel and read aloud "stay away from him,he is mine "Ikhlas was frightened she quickly trashed the note and the knife into the trash.she picks up her bag and quickly got into the lift still panting hard,sweating profusely.the lift stopped and Richie got in,Richie noticed the uneven look on Ikhlas face"is everything alrigh?"

Ikhlas was trembling in fear"i...I am okay"she replied


"Yes"she replied.the lift stopped and ikhlas hurriedly left the lift.she ran out of the hotel still panting hard.she stood down the road to get a taxi.someone patted her at her back,she screamed in fear and turned.

"Ikhlas are you good okay?why are you trembling"Richie asked with a concerned tone

"I said am fine"

"You are not fine Ikhlas,you are trembling and you are sweating profusely"

Ikhlas touched her neck"I didn't know I was sweating "she quickly took a handkerchief from her handbag and wiped the sweat off with her trembling hands"

Richie stared at her confused,he grabbed her by her arm and attempted to take her back to the hotel but she didn't agree,"I know something is definitely wrong,let's go back inside so that we can talk "

Ikhlas took her hand away from him "I don't want to speak to you,I'm going to a nearby police station"

"Police station?for what reason?"Richie asked confused.

"Someone is threatening my precious life"

"Is this a joke or something?"

"No!its no fucking joke"

Richie held Ikhlas hand and took her back to the hotel,they sat beside the pool. Richie persuaded ikhlas to explain what happened.ikhlas narrated the whole scenario to Richie.
"Follow me,I will show them to you"Ikhlas said to Richie as they both have walked into the hotel.

"Don't panic,ever thing is going to be okay"Richie assured Ikhlas

They both arrived at Ikhlas office and she showed him the note and the knife.richie was shocked and assured ikhlas that every thing will be okay.

Vanessa pov
Vanessa got into the room in which she and her mother kept her father captive.she move closer to him,he was fast asleep.she poured a glass of water
On his face,making the helpless man to gasp "Vanessa "he said while staring at her

Vanessa laughed an evil laughter "it's me again,I promised you that I will torture you every single day"

"Just...just kill me already"he pleaded

"No father,I won't just let you die yet "she sits on a chair close to him"like I said before,I want you to die a slow painful death "

"Vanessa I am your father"

"You lost that right the day you raised your filthy hands on my mother,the woman who carried me in her womb for nine fucking months,"

"I am sorry"

Vanessa gave him a slap on the face "it's too late to apologize now"Vanessa stood up,put plaster on his mouth .picked a knife,knelt down beside him.vanessa use the knife and gently touch his leg,he shook his legs and his body trying to stop Vanessa but to no avail,she looked at him "What?are you scared?i am going to pull a finger from one of your legs and then I will feed it to you before I serve you your dinner tonight "she used the knife to slowly pull out his finger from his left toe,blood gushed out of his toe.he wept profusely,Vanessa took the plaster off his mouth,he groaned in pain.vanessa applied the blood on his lips,Vanessa stepped on the toe in which she pulled out the finger with her pointed heel,he whimpered in pain,he screamed but Vanessa held his mouth with a handkerchief."i despise you"Vanessa held his head down,took the finger and put it his mouth,he dragged with her,he managed to bit Vanessa's hand.vanessa became more furious.she plugged an iron,waited for it get hit.she took his feet and placed it on the hot iron,he screamed as his voice echoed in the room.

So how was it????😀😀😀😀

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