Chapter 26

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Nicole pov
"Afternoon mam,how may I be of help to you?"the secretary asked Nicole

"Is mr Andrew in?"

"Yes! You have got an appointment?"

"No,do inform him that miss Nicole is here"

"Sure"she picked the telephone and placed a call through "afternoon sir,Miss Nicole is here and wants to see"she waited for his response "Okay"she dropped the telephone "sorry mam but he is currently busy at the moment"

"I hate to badge into people office,it would be best if you let me in"

"Just following instructions,you can book an appointment with him.he is sincerely busy today how about you come back tomorrow?"

"I can't"she said as she walked upstairs towards the MD office

The secretary followed her "please you can't go in"

"Get out of the way bitch"

"Security!security!"the secretary yelled

"What's the problem?"

"That lady is intruding into the boss privacy"

One of the security men stood in front of Nicole "kindly take your leave"he urged

"Who the hell do you think you are to stand in my way?"Nicole asked

"I'm just doing my job,kindle take your leave else I will be forced to throw you out"

"Well! I see. You.."

Andrew came out of the meeting room"what's all these noise about,I'm having an important meeting and you all are disturbing me"

"Baby that's what I have been trying to tell them. I really want to see you"she attempted touching Andrew on the cheek

Andrew removed her hands "you may go to your duty post"

"Sure sir"the secretary and the security men replied

"Nicole what do you want from me?"

"We need to talk"

"About what? Don't you understand the word privacy?make yourself comfortable at the lounge.i will have someone attend to you.i need to wrap up something's at the meeting.will be with you shortly"

"Now you are acting like a perfect gentleman "she pecked him on his lips and whispered "don't keep me waiting"
Thirty minutes later
"I was starting to loose my cool,you kept me waiting"

"Listen I have a lot on my head right now.say what you want to say and leave. I'm a busy man "he yelled

"Come on. I miss you that's why I left my work to be with you"

"The last time I checked.i never asked you to come to me "

"Stop it,you are being mean"

"Oh please"

"Well after what happened the other night you don't pick my calls"

"That night was a Mistake,a bloody mistake. Don't you get it"

"But I'm in love with you"

"You must be mad! Absolutely mad"

"What!"she angrily stood up

"Yes"he stood up also "I have no feelings for you. Not even a bit"

"You will learn to"

"Don't force yourself on me because ur won't work"

She moved closer to him and grabbed him by the shirt "Listen to me Andrew, that night wasn't a mistake. What we had was mutual"she pushed him on the couch"I love you "

"Stop it"

"Come on"she kissed him on his lips

The door opened"what's going on here?"a familiar voice asked

Aisha pov
"I wanted telling you. But I didn't have the opportunity to tell you"

"So you want to get married to a bature(white man)?"

"Baba!he loves me and I love him too."

"I don't know who the zayn is but with what your mother told me. I don't think they will be a problem"

"Thank you Baba"

"Not so fast young lady, I will have to meet him and get to know who my daughter wants to get married to "

Aisha smiled "thank you Baba, he will be in Nigeria in three date time"


"Ya Allah. May things go as planned "she mumbled to her self

"When you are done mumbling,go get me apples from the fridge"

"Okay Baba"
Vanessa pov
"Nicole!what are you doing with my man?"Vanessa yelled

Nicole stood up and adjusted her skirt"your man? Oh please! I'm sure you were though to knock before opening the door"

"Hey hey what are the both of you talking about,enough"

"Andrew. What are you doing,kissing my friend,how could you?"

"Your friend? What is all these. The both of you get out of this premises in the next ten minutes"he angrily left the lounge

"You whore, how dare you"Vanessa attempted slapping Nicole

"Don't you dare?"

Vanessa stopped"you are a back stable, he is my man"

"Nah darling, he is nobody's man. As far as I know he is single. Very soon he will be mine"

"Not while I am still alive"

"It's easy,getting you killed is no big deal"

"You have no idea on what I can do to have him"

"Wanna see"Nicole picked up purse and left "game on"

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