Chapter 25

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Vanessa pov
"Believe me,I couldn't miss that awesome opportunity"Vanessa said while chopping the onions

"You deserve a treat,hope you used a don't know his status"

"Come on I'm sure he is perfectly alright"

"If you say so,so tell me what's the way forward after the one night stand?"

"I don't know yet but I'm sure going to work something out"

"That's the spirit"

"How are your parents? Haven't seen them around lately"

"My bad,I forgot to tell you.they traveled to Germany for dad's surgery.he will be able to walk again"

"Oh my word,words can't express how happy I am "

"I know"

"What up with that nigga of yours?"

Vanessa sighed"well I don't know where to start from "

"If you are really into him. Then I think you should work things out"

"I'm on it"

Aisha pov
"Morning baba"

"Morning dear,you going somewhere?"he asked curiously

"I'm going for sight seeing"

"Not bad.have a sit I want to discuss something with you "

Aisha sat down on the couch "I'm listening "

"We have a guest"

"We? "

"Yes we,your soon to be husband and your in-laws . I invited them over for lunch"

Aisha coughed "father I have told you that I don't like that guy"

"You are referrring to hamza as a guy? Do not piss me were betrothed to hamza when you were a child"

"Baba !"she stood up from the chair in the rage of anger and disgust "this is 2018 and not 1860"

"Sit Down child,do you know the status of hamza's father in this country"

"At least you all should ask me what I want"

"Go and prepare something exquisite for your soon to be husband and in-laws"

"I'm not having lunch with hamza because I like him but i am having lunch with him because I don't want to embarrass you"
     Few hours later
"I must say this meal is really delicious"hamza commented on the food he was eating

"Aisha prepared it"Aisha father said

"Wow! It's really nice.the last time I had something like this,I think it should be last night when having dinner at my parents place "

Aisha smirked "well thanks for the compliment"

"You are welcome"he said with a smile as he stared at Aisha

"When should the date for the wedding be fixed?"hamza father asked

Aisha dropped her cutlery on the dinning table "what wedding?"she asked in a sarcastic tone

Aisha mom tapped her "quiet "her mom whispered

"Mom you know I'm in love with someone else"Aisha whispered

Aisha's dad cleared his throat"why don't we make it next month "

"I have something to say"Aisha spoke

"Go on"hamza gave her a go ahead

"Hamza I don't what to get married to you"

"What!"hamza stood up

Every one looked at Aisha in a confused manner

"You heard me,I can't get married to you because I don't have any feelings for you.not even a bit"

"What are you...."hamza yelled

"Sit down son"hamza's father instructed

"I'm sorry that I had to break this news to you,it's just that ..."

"It's okay young lady,I understand what you are trying to say.none of us really asked you what you wanted."

"Exactly my point"Aisha responded

"I think it would be best if we called off the alliance"hamza father requested

"If it's fine by you "Aisha father responded with bitterness
    Two hours later
"Your daughter has succeeded in embrassing me"Aisha's dad yelled at Aisha mother

"Okay,now she is my daughter. Is she not also your daughter?"

"Baba,please don't be angry I had to do what was necessary.perhaps you never asked me if I really loved hamza"

"Shut up"he scolded her "you have the effrontery to face me after what you did "

"Leave my daughter alone. Let her marry who she loves."

"Woman! You and your daughter have finally embrassed me"

"Please it's enough. I'm a grown up and I know what is best for me"Aisha left the midst of her parents and went to her room.
She picked up her laptop and switched it on."I should speak to Dante"she sighed "I forgot.zayn"she said as tears rolled down her cheeks

Hope you all loved it????😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

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