Chapter 9

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Nicole pov
"This meal is so delicious,"andrew said while eating from his plate

"Yeah it is,the only problem I have with Their food is that they add too much garlic"

"So you are not a fan of garlic?"

"Well let me say Iik garlic but not too much in my meal"

"Hmmh,"Andrew paused for a minute,he sipped his coconut juice "so wanna tell me anything about your family?"

"I haven't got much to say,I have an annoying cousin That I dislike,still tryna get to like him parents are everything to me,and your?"

"Well,I'm living with my single father,I love him a lot"

"What happened to your mom?"

Andrew dropped his fork on his plate"she is late now,she died when I was nine"

Nicole held Andrew hands"I'm so Sorry for your loss,your dad is indeed a strong man to raise such an elegant,handsome,good looking man like you"

"Am flattered,thank you "Andrew said before picking up his glass of coconut juice"so you have a freind or a best friend?"

"Yeah,I have a best friend Vanessa,she is really crazy but I love her,she sort of has a bipolar disorder"

"Whoa,I also have a friend called Vanessa but she ain't bipolar,"

"Oh that is cool"Vanessa dropped her fork on the plate "I have had enough,I'm okay"

"We should go back to the hotel,I have to pack up,leaving tomorrow"

"Oh yeah I forgot"Nicole picked up her and called the cab man"hello we are ready,don't keep me waiting"she said to the cab man before hanging up.

"Waiter"Andrew called

"Coming sir"a male waiter walked towards Andrew"at your service sir"

"How much is the bill?"andrew asked

"Come on,I told you I will handle the bills"Nicole said to Andrew

"Please,let me do this"andrew insisted,the waiter brought out his POS."here you go sir"
Andrew was done with the bills,"is the cab man here?"andrew asked

"Yeah lets go"

"Sure "

Vanessa pov
Vanessa pulled Ikhlas into the sitting room she kicked Ikhlas hard on the stomach.ikhlas coughed and groaned in pain she opened her eyes and managed to sit up resting her back on the wall,she started at Vanessa confused and startled "what happened?"she asked herself.vanessa moved closer to her and offered her a glass of pineapple juice,Ikhlas Drank a little.

"What happened to you?"Vanessa yelled at Ikhlas

"I don't know,I remembered that I went upstairs to use the restroom,I opened the door and I..Yeah I saw a man tied up to a chair,then someone hit my head with something hard"

"I think you are imagining things "

Ikhlas stood up"no I'm not,there is a man upstairs that I'm sure you held captive In that room,and I don't think I believe what ever you say about Andrew because Andrew loves me"

Vanessa stood up"fine,take your belongings and leave my house"

"Not until I rescue the man that is in that room,"Ikhlas walks up to the stairs

Vanessa followed Ikhlas and held her arm"why are you so sturborn ?"

Ikhlas stared at her "take your hands off me"

"And if I don't?"vanessa asked as she stared into Ikhlas eyes.

Ikhlas pushed Vanessa down the stairs and runs upstairs heading towards the room."ya Allah please assist me"Ikhlas angrily opened the door and ran towards the man sitting on the chair

"Water please...water"he gasped for breath

Ikhlas takes the glass of water from the table and feeds him.

Vanessa walks into the room with rage,she held Ikhlas veil and threw it on the floor"you bitch!"Vanessa pulled Ikhlas by the hair"I said leave my house"Vanessa drags Ikhlas up and gives her a slap on her face.

Ikhlas groaned in pain"why are you doing all these?"ikhlas asked

"It's none of your business,is it?"

"You need to take this man to the hospital"

"Ikhlas get out of here before I loose my cool,you have no idea on what am capable of doing to you"

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you,I have got the heart of a fire and I'm not afraid of the dark"

Vanessa laughed "oh please!that does not scare me"

"I never said it to scare you"

"Get out of here"Vanessa said as she moved towards Ikhlas

Ikhlas ran towards a table,she picked a gun from the table and pointed it towards Vanessa "Don't you dare move an inch,I will pull the trigger "

Vanessa stood still"you don't have the heart of a killer"Vanessa laughed

"Trust me,I don't mind pulling the trigger"Ikhlas said as she moved towards Vanessa "untie him"

Vanessa moved towards her father and began to untie him"Ikhlas you are going to regret this"

"I don't think so,untie him quickly"Ikhlas yelled at Vanessa ",I have no idea on who this man is,i just have a feeling that he is somewhat related to you"Ikhlas said while pointing the gun at Vanessa's direction

Vanessa untied him "I'm done "

"Good!we are both taking him to the hospital and don't you try anything funny,"Vanessa took her phone from the back of her trouser pocket and placed a call to hand with a gun pointing towards Vanessa and the other hand on her phone.she placed the call on speaker as it rang

"Don't you dare call the cops"

"Not at all"

Richie answered the call "Ikhlas how are you doing"

"Good afternoon sir,I really need your help sir"

"What is the matter?"

"Sir,I really need you to come to st Cali,house sorry house 6"

"I'm at st Cali bookstore"

"That's Good sir,please come to house 6,I badly need your help"

"I will be there shortly"Andrew hanged up

"Vanessa,I just called a friend and he will be here shortly "

"Bitch I heard the conversation already"

"I'm not a bitch"Vanessa moved closer to her and gave her a hard slap on her face.ikhlas .stepped backwards observing all the injuries on the man body

How was it???do you think Vanessa will leave the house alive??????😊😊😊😊😊

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