Chapter 34

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Vanessa pov
"Are you that crazy? Have you gone obsessed with your best friend that you had to shoot him"Vanessa Mum yelled .

"Mom I'm so sorry,I have learnt my lesson already. Please mom get me out of here "

"I just gave Andrew a call,only he can make your bail possible"

"Thank you mom"

"Afternoon mam"Andrew greeted Vanessa's mom

"Afternoon dear,really sorry for the trouble"

"It's okay aunt,why should you apologize to your son. I have spoken to my lawyer,her bail has been granted."

"Thank you son"

"Don't mention aunt,I have a flight to catch up"

The prison guard opened the door for Andrew "you bail has been granted "

"Thank you so much Andrew, I'm so sorry for what I did.where is Nicole?"she asked "I have to apologize to her also "

"Nicole is dead.good bye,"he walked away

"Nicole is dead?"she tapped her mom on the shoulder "mom,ni...Nicole is dead "she burst into tears

"It's okay"her mom consoled her

Andrew pov
Andrew walked Into the Richardson's mansion.everyone sited  on the couch wearing all black with a sad face."what is going on here?"he asked the security men

"Sir! The lady of this mansion is dead"the words echoed in Andrew ears for some seconds "she lost her mind and ran out of the mansion calling Nicole name.suddenly a car hit her,it was a hit and run.i and the remaining family members ran after her but when we got there and rushed her to the hospital. She gave up the ghost"

"What!"tears rolled down andrew eyes"nooooooooooooo"he screamed in anguish as he fell on his kneels. "Why"he wept

"Get up son"his dad patted him on his back .
A week later
"Have a safe trip brother"Richie hugged him

"Take care of your dad,we have lost two members of our family already. Won't be able to stand it if another one dies again"

"You should leave now,you will be late for you flight"

Aisha pov
"Mam,we also should start making abayas.a lot of people will have interest"

"Hand me those papers"she instructed

Aisha handed it over to her "to be honest.I'm really Impressed on your new idea"

"Thank you mam"

"Call me mom"she urged

Aisha mouth was wide opened with a surprised expression on her face

" close your mouth before an insect gets into your mouth "

Aisha sat beside her and held her hand "thank you so my mom,so where was I? Yes,I was thinking we should also start making abayas.The super expensive ones which the rich can afford and the less expensive ones which the middle class can afford.your fashion house had to be the best"

She smiled "now I can fully say that you are beauty with brains"

"Will be back. Have to attend to your guest. They want to see the new shoes designs"

"Okay,do your work"

Aisha walked out of her office as she headed downstairs and bumped into Armani who happens to be mrs Helen's personal assistant"Armani I'm so sorry,hope you weren't hurt"

"You must be foolish,are you blind or have you gone totally blind while trying to steal my job away from me?"

"What? What are you talking about? We are sisters. Why will I steal your job?"

"Bitch stop tryna play smart with me,you managed to trap my Dante. Now you also want to trap his whole family. I have heard of girls like you. What you know best is to lure rich men and then trap them"

Aisha gave Armani a slap on the face "how dare you speak to me in such manner?you don't know me! And trust me you won't want to know me"she pushed Armani out of her way

"Hey"she yelled

"Arrant nonsense!"Aisha murmured as she got into the elevator

Armani pov
"Helen "she walked into mrs Helen office looking angry

"What is it Armani? You looking stressed out"

"Of course I am"

"What happened?"

"Your new employee misbehaved with me,how dare she?"

Mrs Helen stood up"what?"

"Yes!after all you gave her the opportunity"

"Have a sit"

"Okay"she sat on the chair

"Don't let her bother you "

"Fine,I want to be the one to present the new designs to the board tomorrow"

"Request granted"

"That's what I'm talking about"she took a sweet from the table and left"talk to you later "

"Take care"

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