Chapter 17

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Aisha pov
"I have no idea on what is wrong with Andrew for the past two days"

"What is the problem?"

"I don't know, he hardly answers my call"

"Seems he is been busy with work"

"Even if he is busy with least he should answer my calls  and he hardly reply to my messages "

"So why are you bothered?"Aisha asked while been busy chatting on her phone

"Why won't I be bothered,I called him today and couldn't get through"

"He told me he was traveling to Dubai today"

"What!"ikhlas yelled

"Hey! Stop yelling, don't break my eardrums

"How can he travel?"

"Are you asking me?"Aisha asked with a smirk on her face

"Tomorrow is my birthday and he traveled today "

"Tomorrow is your birthday?"Aisha asked surprisingly

Ikhlas stared at her with a grin on her face "don't tell me you forgot"

Aisha gasped "To be sincere I forgot,like seriously tomorrow is your birthday ?"

Ikhlas eyed her "you are kidding right?"

"Nope I'm not" Aisha dropped her phone on the couch on which she was sitting on"So what's happening tomorrow "

Ikhlas sipped a glass of water to calm her self down "well, seems I will go to the movies, then I will give our charity and go for a massage then shopping since all of you forgot about my birthday"

"Tomorrow I will be going on a date with someone special."

"What ?"ikhlas yelled with anger on her face.

"You heard me." Aisha picked up her phone and bag and leaves the house

Vanessa pov
"So we should have the event on a beach?"she asked Andrew while jotting points on a jotter 

"Ermm not too sure if she is gonna like it "

"Then ask her "

"No! I don't wave her to know that I'm planning a surprise party for her"

"Okay I grab "

"So what do you think?"Andrew asked

"We will have the party in your house then,we will invite friends to lit it up for us,what do you think?"

"Not a bad idea, since ikhlas is not into glamour and all. A simple surprise party will do"

"Trust me, it will be worth the trouble "

"Thanks dear, I will send you the money via my phone "

"Okay, I have to go, I have an appointment with the doctor "

"I should drop you off"

"Don't bother, I brought my car.i will give you all the feedbacks during the preparation process."

"Thank you "

"Don't mention, what are friends for?"she says before leaving. "Good night,don't be late for work tomorrow "

     Two days later
"So are you coming for the part tomorrow?"Vanessa asked Nicole

"No I won't be able to make it"

" but why?"

"Sweetheart I have a busy day tomorrow "

"Well, would love to introduce you to this cute guy I'm kinda crushing on"

"Hmmmmm, vann is in love "

"Stop teasing me"Vanessa chuckled

"You have a photo of him on your phone"

"Of course I do"Vanessa took her phone from her hand bag "shit i have a flat battery"

"Okay you can show it to me some other day"

"Right "

"I need a massage, Sunday is always the worst day of the week for me"

"Let's vist coco's spa "

"I thing we should,Tomorrow will be a busy day for me, and when I'm done with the spa I have to get a gift for someone who's birthday is tomorrow "

"I also have a friend who's birthday is tomorrow too"

"Oh that's cool"
Hope you all loved this chapter?????😁😁😁🙆🏼‍♀️

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