The Last Victim

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Omt! I just planned out the remaining chapters and guess what? There is only 8 chapters remaining! I still need to write seven of them and everything, but still! Only 8!

-Hiccup's pov-

-The next day-

It was noon and the gang and I were sitting in the Great Hall. Astrid was next to me with Fishlegs next to her, then on the other side of the table sat the twins and Snotlout, with Ruffnut in the middle of the two boys. We were the only ones in here. Mainly due to the fact that Toothless, Meatlug and Stormfly were waiting outside the hall making sure a certain someone didn't come in, but I guess all the other vikings were too scared to go near them after what happened with the chief yesterday. It was only a few days until Snoggletog now, more accurately it was only two days away meaning thay Snoggletog eve was tomorrow. I had got Astrid a present - it was a dagger made out of diamond infused Gronkle Iron with an intricate Deadly Nadder carved into the handle. The diamond made it sparkle in the sun light and the Gronkle Iron made it very light and strong and the handle was made from one of Stormfly's spines which made it personal to her. I also added in a bonus though. Encased in the handle there was a gas which could be ejected from it similarly to how Inferno emits Zippleback gas, however Astrid's axe would produce Flightmare gas which would freeze a person with terror if they touched it.

"Give it, back!" Shouted Tuffnut, standing up and reaching over to Snotlout, dangling his hair in Ruffnut's face as he did so.

"I don't think so." Teased Snotlout who was holding Tuff's helmet just out of his reach so his fingers were brushing the rim.

"I need my helmet! It makes it so I don't look like a bald yet handsomely attractive chicken!" Tuffnut screamed.

"Snot, maybe you should give it back. I don't think my eyes can look at this ugliness," Ruff said guesturing to Tuff, "for much longer without clawing my eyes brutally from my face."

"Hey!" Scolded Tuffnut at Ruff, "Help me get my hat!"

"Snot, give me the hat." Ruff demanded.

"What, no!" Protested Snotlout.

"Gimme the hat." She continued.


"Give me the hat." She forcefully said, standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Ruff." He admitted in defeat and handled over the helmet with a sigh.

"Tuff?" Ruff said, holding out the helmet for him. As he reached out for it, she swiped it back away from him, "I'm with Snotlout on this." At this remark, Snotlout's face visibly lit up and Ruff ran to the other side of the table.

"I thought we were a team!?" Complained Tuff.

"A team is only as strong as it's weakest member, dear brother." Ruff said, "Snot. Catch!" She hurled the helmet at him and he caught it, Tuff standing alone in the middle of them as they continued to chuck the helmet inbetween them like a game of yak in the middle, laughing at his mis-fortune.

"No fair! Come on, guys!" Yelled Tuffnut as he failed to catch the flying helmet yet again. And you wonder why I haven't given them dragons yet...

"Nothing in life is fair." Said Snotlout to Tuffnut, "Except Ruff. She is very fair."

"What did you say?" Demanded Ruff as she caught the helmet.

"Nothing..." coward Snotlout as Ruff threw the helmet over Tuff's head again.

"And he likes her? But he is scared of her!" Whispered Astrid in my ear.

"Do you think Ruff likes him?" I whispered back.

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