rule iiii/ never speak to Magnus Bane

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rule iiii/ never speak to Magnus Bane

Magnus Bane
was a man of known integrity.

Magnus got ready in his usual attire. His hair was styled in a relaxed quiff. His eye liner had silver highlighter in it today for the fun of it. His skin was flawless as always. He looked at the clothes on his door hanger surprisingly pleased since the person who put it there didn't usually dress so nice. Daymen laid out the clothes for him since he'd woken up late after having a hard time getting to sleep.

He kept having these tormenting thought like, what if Alec wasn't there? What if that kid had raped one of his girls? It infuriated Magnus and kept him awake at night guarding the house hallways.

He took the white shirt and looked at the wiggled lines that attacked the canvas. If you looked closely enough used see the lines were figures having sex with each other. He laughed at the secrecy of it all. This kept him amused as he got to school. He was in his car with five other family members. Usually he'd drive alone but there were days where he got particularly lonely. But that was something that the Warlocks never knew.

When he pulled up to the school he jumped out his Wrangler and was immediately flocked by the rest of the family who had gotten to school earlier.

They crowded the parking lot and Magnus expected people to stare at them but there seemed to be an argument happening across the lot.

"Alright," he spoke up to the family immediately obtaining their attention. There was about twenty of them, the rest were already in school since Magnus did not tolerate lateness. He was demanding when in came to their school work. He wanted them to have a good life if any of them decided they were ready to leave. "Justin, Clayton, Marty, Jessie, Diana, Tanisha, and...I see you Deedee— all of you have a project due tomorrow so tonight there will be no time spent in the common room, you will all be perfecting your project."

"But I'm already done," one of them insisted.

Magnus walked over to the voice, it was Justin.

"I know that all of you are either finished are almost finished. But I want your grades to be amazing, because you all are amazing and I expect that to reflect in your work. Understood?"

Embarrassed, Justin nodded.

"Don't be flustered," Magnus ran his hands through Justins waves before pointing to the school. "Now get inside and go learn some shit that you'll never use again in our beautiful existence."

They all laughed and walked into the building leaving Magnus with only two kids.

"I'll walk you two down the hallways," Magnus offered. It was the Wein Twins. They were very handsome kids. Fifteen years old and usually were referred to a k-pop celebrities in the house based on their looks. They both were very stylish boys, there hair always styled in the cool and identical ways.

"Thank you," they answered simultaneously following close behind as Magnus walked down the school halls.

As he did so they crowds of people broke away so that he'd have easy access. It was either or of fear, respect, or admiration. It was no secret that Magnus was handsome. Even if you weren't into his eyeshadow or nail polish. He just had an undeniable sex appeal that at times threw people off. Many girls in the house had a crush him despite the fact that he would never date any of them as to risk the foundation of the house.

It didn't stop them from being flirty. And it definitely didn't stop him from flirting back. That's what Magnus did, he was a flirt and he was good at it.

fuck the rules/ malec AUWhere stories live. Discover now