rule vi/holding hands is for children

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rule vi/ holding hands is for children

Alec Lightwood
Was too secretive for his own good

"What's that for?" I asked looking at the beautifully alluring necklace that Jace was holding tightly in his grubby hands.

"It was acquired from Magnus Bane a few years ago," he explained paying little attention to the road as he drove. "A present from him to his then lover, he's been wanting back ever since the Clave acquires it a few years back and hopefully this will encourage his to compromise with Clary."

I ignored the last part and found myself focusing on the lover part.

"Why would he get a necklace like that for a guy? It's kind of girly."

"That's because it was a girl, she is leader of the Vamps down in Queens."

"A girl?" I hiccuped completely caught off guard. I thought he was... oh god, what if I was projecting? What if the awkwardness he made me feel was one sided and I was the one who was freaking him out?

"Yeah, they dated about almost four years ago. Before that they were close friends. I don't know why the broke up, according to my sources they were the power couple."

For the rest of the car ride there I was silent. I drowned myself in thought finding myself jealous. Of what? I don't know.

I found solitude in the fact that Clary was driving separate from Jace and I. Apparently she had to check in with her step father, Police Chef Lucian Graymark. This made me all the more suspicious. If her father literally was the law, why couldn't she go to him for help? Why was she dragging us, I bunch of rich college kids, into her mess?

The car came to full stop and I found myself nervously fixing my hair and adjusting and readjusting my clothes so that nothing was out of place.

"Hay, what's it smell like," I asked.

"What does what smell like—"

I exhaled harshly into his face watching for his reaction.


"It's smells like mint, like crisp cold air. What's you do?"

"Brushed my teeth," I scoffed rolling my eyes. What did he think I did?

"Why are you so anxious?" Jace asked concerned.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not."

I groaned and turned to face Jace. "I'm fine man, focus on the mission."

A few minutes later, Clary and my dear sister pulled up in Izzy's red porch. It was rather dark outside but that didn't hinder me from seeing Clary's annoyingly bright orange head bobbing its way over to Jace and I.

"You're late," I grunted.

"It's 9:10," Clary rolled her eyes.

"That's funny, I said be here at 9:00, you would think someone whose trying to save their mother would be more punctual."

Clary opened her mouth to talk but Izzy quickly cut her off. "I'm sorry big brother, we got caught up at the station."

I nodded at the sincerity in her voice. It seemed only Izzy understood what it meant to honor your commitments.

After our little round about we walked towards the front of the house.

"Should we knock?" Izzy asked looking at the door which was slightly was opened. Before I could object, Clary pushed past me and opened the door without a care. I rolled my eyes at her rude behavior.

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