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Sanji headed out of his restaurant holding a small take out bag. He waved to his father before heading down the street. He stepped up to the building of the Donquixote Clothing inc. Sanji then headed inside. Folding the bag behind his back and stood looking around. His eyes caught some fabrics he liked. He headed over to the suits looking to the different colors they had available. Sanji admired the dark navy blue one and purred to its color. Then gave a disgusted look to the price tag and staggered away.

"Hey kid."

He glanced to the security desk, Shanks sat resting on his palm. Sanji headed over to his desk pressing his lips in a line. Shanks grinned to him knowing about his little crush on Mihawk.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Mihawk asked me to come here."

Shanks lit up standing, Sanji furrowed to this.

"Mihawk called you here?"

"He did."

He chuckled picking up the phone and pressed it to his ear before Sanji leaned against his desk. Shanks glanced to Sanji with a smirk on his lips.

"You have a little, friend, at my desk." Shanks purred.

He frowned as Mihawk barked something back at his desk.

"No, I'm serious. Sanji's here."

Shanks hung up after a second. Sanji hummed leaning over his desk.

"Why didn't he believe I was here?"

"Oh I pranked him a while ago, with some. Nudity."

Sanji chuckled as Shanks glanced behind him. He smirked before cupping his ear and whispering something in his ear. Mihawk furrowed as he approached the desk. Once Sanji pulled back he opened the bag and gave him a chocolate.

"Thanks for the tip."

Shanks winked as Sanji turned to Mihawk. He smiled handing him the bag, Mihawk took it as he grabbed Sanji's wrist and took him to his office. Sanji blinked as he was pulled into the room with the door locked behind him. Sanji turned to Mihawk clutching onto the handle of the door.

"You came." He said.

"And it won't be the last time."

"Do you want this, honestly?"

"I do."

Mihawk approached him as he cupped his face and kissed him softly. Sanji didn't hesitate wrapping his arms around Mihawk's neck. The kiss grew heated by tongue and teeth nipping at lips. Before it finally clashed into a full makeout session. Hands knotting in hair, while Mihawk's hands ran down to Sanji's thighs and pulled him up onto his hips. Sanji pulled back for air and panted softly. There eyes heavy lidded as Sanji hummed glancing to his bag and opened it. Mihawk watched as Sanji pulled out a piece of chocolate and put it into his mouth before kissing Mihawk. They shared the sweet treat with a raspberry filling before pulling back once more. Mihawk smirked licking his lips softly while Sanji purred cupping his face.

"Zoro's gonna be pissed." he purred.

"Who are you texting so often?" Zoro asked.

Mihawk perked up at dinner, he set his phone down before clearing his throat.

"Oh, I just. Business."

Zoro and Perona cocked a brow glancing to each other then back to Mihawk. He started to eat, his phone buzzed softly beside him. He picked it up and read it before placing it back down on the table.

"Are you kids doing anything on friday?" Mihawk asked.

They thought for a moment before both shrugging.

"Not that we know of pops, why?" Perona asked.

"I. I have plans that night."

"OooooOoOOo." Perona purred.

"You got a hot date eh pops?"

"Shut up."

He turned back to his phone and picked it up. Zoro and Perona watched him smile and text back before setting his phone in his lap. He glanced up to his children with wild smiles on their faces.

"So when will we meet this mystery man?" Zoro asked.

"Oh, you've already met him."

"Oh? Who?" Perona asked.

"Eh. I'd rather not say. We're not really official."

Sanji chuckled straddling Mihawk's lap. His hands wrapped around Mihawk's neck. While Mihawk's was messaging Sanji's thighs.

"You are a terrible liar." Sanji chuckled, "I can't believe they bought that."

"Shut up and kiss me before Zoro gets home."

Sanji chuckled as he kissed Mihawk softly. It slowly grew heated with tongue and teeth. While Mihawk's hands roamed up to Sanji's skin. Sanji moaned softly as Mihawk pulled back slightly. They then relocked lips pulling each other closer. Mihawk started to kiss to his cheeks down his neck and stopped just above his collar. His tongue licked over his skin before he kissed down it. Sanji moaned as Mihawk left blossoming marks on his skin.
Sanji jumped to the door being jingled, he climbed off Mihawk and sat beside him. Mihawk ran a hand through his hair as the door opened. Mihawk and Sanji turned to him as Zoro dropped his backpack.

"Sanji, what are you doing here?"

"I invited him, him and I were going to do some cooking. Some. Easy recipes."

Sanji smirked glancing to him then back to Zoro.

"Oh. Well good. It will be nice to have a change in your cooking."

Zoro then headed upstairs as Mihawk and Sanji headed into the kitchen. Sanji sat up on the counter crossing his legs.

"So, what shall we bake today?"

Mihawk chuckled, "Oh. Something sweet, maybe to eat off you."

Sanji hummed, "Sounds good to me."

Mihawk sat before the mirror buttoning his shirt half way. Then rolled up his sleeves before stepping out of his room.

"Lookin sharp pops, man that guy is a lucky guy." Zoro chuckled.

Mihawk chuckled softly, "Oh, he is."

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