Part 5 The Deception

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arnav whipped the sweat of his face , scorching sun making it all the more hard for him to pull the plough with more force. he slapped the bull's body to make it move in the field and pull the plough with it . he had been doing this daily for last one week . he can feel the stare of labourer on him , he knew they are making fun of him. they are probably thinking even after being a son of such a big zamindar how he always ended up doing work on fields like a normal labourer.

he should have know his so called heroic act will end badly after all he is just a mere 18 year old ependent over his family . he still remember his grandfather's word morning after that incident . he had said how he deserve to be beaten up for his behaviour but owing to he being his grandson cant make people say bad things about it . so he had decided the alternative that he has always put over him . sowing of karif crop has started now so he is to plough all the four hecters of land alone than take every other care to produce crop. that means all day on field with barely time to spare for eating and too tired to even make to his bed forget about reading . he can see his brother and father smirking at him right now probably enjoying themselves . he has to find a way out this soon.

he need to defeat them in their own way that too soon very soon


he opened his mouth to bite the morsel of roti from his grandmother's hand . devyani looked at her grandson tiring face , his body that has goes thinner with so much of physical hard work . she whipped the tear off his eyes as again her eyes landed on his wounded hands. he hurt his hand while using the spade and she knew he will not back away from this punishment either. her husband and arnav are so alike in their stabourness. if only he just apologise to his grandfather and follow what his family says and take control over his wife .

'if he thinks by punishing me like this . he can make me his slave he is wrong!' arnav wanted to let his views reach his grandfather, to let him know that he cant break his resolution by all this. he never back away from his punishments because of whatever respect he has for his grandfather atleast for the relation that they share.

“he loves you more than he had ever loved anyone else. its hurt him to see you like this . you are his heart” devyani smoothened his hairs and cupped his cheeks lovingly . arnav has been arvind raizada's favourite grandkid simply because he can see himself in him. arnav is strong willed , intelligent and visionary like his grandfather.

'how can i forget the numerous innocent hearts he has bled' arnav word full of disgust even for saying this. he knew his grandfather loves him to death . he still remembers how he used to fulfill arnav's every wish. he would become his horse and give him ride all day long . he would play with him and never let him cry even one tear. arnav had once got his finger burned in the kitchen when he was seven year old , his grandfather had scolded everyone and had kept him in his embrace whipping his tears. for a man to be so inclined towards a kid was a rare sight but his grandfather doted him to end.

'he is not wrong in doing so. think what society will say that first born is a girl !. how would it reflect on our family . people will laugh . they will say is their no real man in the family who can give birth to a son. you know other big landlords are after your's grandfather's position and it will make him look weak. is he wrong to wish for an heir . just first born to be a son arnav and then if any girl is born it will be fine.' devyani tried to make arnav understand that how their intention are not wrong in hurting innocent babies like this. only she know how she puts them to their death. how much her heart bleeds for it . but she cant go against her family , her husband and society's norm.

“nothing is the same anymore” arnav said those words and get up to leave . he dont know how to make his family understand or how to change their beliefs which are imbedded in them for years. he know all his efforts will go in vain like all the past ones after all he is just a child being rebellious as per them.

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