23. The Fight

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Chapter 23

The fight

Arnav tried to concentrate on his book for the umpteenth time, but again khushi went jumping around him with loud sounds of anklets and bangles making irritating sounds. He clutches his fingers in a fist, his hands were already paining from the continues work in fields from the morning and past few days. Only he knew how he had managed to attempt his last four exams along with handling field work, and managing his child bride.

Sometimes he felt as if he was single parent to unpredictable child who just can't sit at place and remain quite for long. Just on the que, khushi said,”you know that rohan in our class is so stupid and makes me so angry. Always fighting with me. It's not my mistake that even when he is three years elder to me yet he can't answer simple math questions. I just Hate him.”

It finally broke arnav’s patience and he yelled, “will you please shut up!” his angry gaze made her shook at her place. She has not seen him this much angry in last month. There has been moments when he has gotten irritated but khushi has thought he was just tired by all the hard work he did.lately he has been acting so aloof, trying to ignore her,  scolding her at little things. She is not someone who  won't talk back no matter who she is talking to. So before she can control she gave back as good as she got.

“No,I won't shut up, it's my mouth,and I will speak and will speak loudly. Ahh.. Baaa..” khushi yelled childishly ,  showing her tongue to him.

Arnav jumped from his chair, making khushi jerk in fear.

“don't you have any other work except jumping here there all day, and.. And just throw those  freaking  bangles and anklets of yours, always making those annoying sound, disturbing me all the time.”  he yelled each word making khushi shook in fear yet she didn't lose her ground and yells back with equal zeal.

“i do a lot of work, school, then home work and I also make dinner every night so that you can take rest.its not my mistake that I like to live, laugh and enjoy my life unlike some people who knows only to frown and get angry all day.”

“khushi, just shut up. Don't make me more angry.” arnav screamed and stride towards her angrily,making her  move back in fear.

Kala massi and her daughter in law came running inside their house to see what's happening. Kala massi’s daughter in law usha remain still on the door, veil covering her face as she saw arnav and khushi quarrel again and again even when Kala tried to stop them. She was shocked to see how even when khushi looked scared yet she was not fighting back. Usha heart stopped at beat as she saw arnav took powerful angry stride towards khushi, dragging her out from  the embrace of Kala massi who tried to save khushi from arnav’s anger.

Usha knew the drill, she also knew how all such kind of fights ends up. She can still feel the pain in her back from the hard punch, her husband had given her few days back as she dared to speak in loud voice to him. Kala had tried to save her too back then like this but to no avail. She knew that it was difficult for men to control their anger.

Arnav dragged  khushi towards him and started taking off her bangles angrily and throwing them on floor in anger. While khushi tried to stop him crying continuously.

“from now on no need to wear these stupid annoying things and make sure to remain silent. Do you understand!” arnav yelled, khushi looked him, hiccups making harder her for her to speak.

“i hate you. You are the worst husband ever.” she screamed so loudly that usha closed her eyes fearing that she won't be able to see khushi getting slapped in front of her. Khushi shouldn't have spoken like that. She is a woman, a wife and instead of backtracking to her husband, she should have apologized and tried to calm him down, usha thought.

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