6 Truth Hurts

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arnav stood like a statue  not moving and not even baiting an eyelash. his fingers curved in a fist and anger filled his eyes. finally coming out of reverie  he strided towards khushi who was busy playing with other kids of the village . she was jumping on her leg as she made it to the next box painted on the ground. putting her veil a little bit with her left hand and jumping in one leg than in two in the next box . she jumped in joy and happiness as won . it has been so long that she got to play like this . she used to play day and night in her home but from past few months that she now have been married her play time has went to zero.

when she was walking behind her husband like an obedient child , she had tripped a little due to a stupid stone in her way. when she had tried to get up she had felt a sharp pain shoot through her leg that's when a few of kids of her age or maybe less came to help her. the moment she think to look for arnav he had already disappeared. she has felt the panic run through her like a jolt of light she even tried to find him for a while with help of the kids but to no avail.

that was when kids had decided to play and after sulking for few minutes she has joined them too as her child heart  swayed by this joyful distraction. she knew she was scared and her tiny head was running with alot of things that she cant word out but in that moment she had forgotten everything and let the happiness  of playing with no barrier swayed her.

arnav pulled little khushi's wrist in anger making her wince and scream .her eyes welled up as the grip on her wrist tighten. arnav could not believe his eyes here he has been looking like mad for her , thinking that he has lost her. that he had become the reason of someone's death again , no that was not the time to go back in the happening of the past.he is strong he need to be.  he cant let the guilt of past rule over him again lest it take shim back to those dark days.

'there is no point doing anything for you. you are better in  the house burdened with responsibilities you dont deserve to study or have freedom. you are a stupid , ignorant child with no brain.' arnav kept on saying those hurtful words and dragging her with him not caring for her cries that had become louder with every second.few people have tried to stop him for making a child cry like this, not to scold her but arnav have give them one glare and everyone have let their matter be theirs.

'here i am doing so much for you and what i got in return is you ..you making go mad. playing with those kids while you should be in school right now.' arnav let all his anger out not stopping for a second as he dragged her.

khushi tried her best to free her hand from his tight grip but to no avail.her eyes puffed up from continues her cries muffled as took slow breaths as her small legs tried to kept pace with him . not able to take his hurtful words  anymore she screamed at top of her voice .

'you are doing this for you ...no..not me ok'

arnav stopped in his tracks as her words hit his ears . words caring such a heavy truth from her sweet childish voice felt like something mild  which might have been much  stronger if women of arnav's age had thrown at him.  but the inner meaning behind her words made arnav's anger, guilt , hurt and fault rise in a speed like no other. he left her wrist with a thrust making her fall on the ground  wincing in pain.arnav felt the rage building inside him as his next words come in cold rage of a heartless man.

'you want to live in hell so be it.i am done helping you.' he turned his back to khushi .

'you are just like them all . you are bad , you are evil , you hurt me like them . you are not better , you never will be. ...just like them evil and bad' khushi yelled  in between her sobs. from a  normal eyes it would have felt like a scene of a stubborn child  calling her guardian bad in childish anger that many kids do.

but to arnav it was like  someone has passed  poisonous arrow  right throw his heart. he had given his everything to be better , to be different, to be stronger, to not to be like his family is but her words has turned all his work , his will into ashes.arnav let the tear fall from his eyes as he walked ahead leaving khushi alone , still crying lying on the ground.

khushi clenched her suit closer to herself as she remained seated her head on her knees. her tears no dried in oblivion , her throat parched, her eyes burning in pain. she again and again looked at the path that he had walked hours back still empty with no one coming. he has left her, here alone with no care in the world if she remain hungry or thirsty   either she dies or someone kill her. her child brain looked here and there scared , huge trees surrounding her and sun going down . it must be late afternoon she thought. her stomach rumbled in hunger , her eyes shed silent tears of loneliness.he have gone home leaving her alone , her husband , her god as her mother said , he has left her to be get eaten by wild animals.

he dont remember how many hours passed  as he remain seated at the turning end of the road , his back resting on the tree, his eyes blinked in silence as they looked ahead in nothingness. his mind gone numb   as the horrible past made its existence felt in his memories.  screams of agony getting louder and louder, his cries screeching on the wall that he had build to all those emotions.coming out of his thoughts , he moved  to his left a little and his eyes landed on khushi who was now clenching her stomach with her hands. her cries have stopped hours back, he had listened to her walking a few steps  back and forth trying to find the right way to home but she has sat dejected each time maybe because she didn't remember  or maybe she felt safer here than his home , than in his presence.

khushi moved her body back and forth still clenching her  grumbling stomach, her lips pouted  . she should not have made him angry like that. he was wrong to drag her like that but she should not have behaved like him. he was angry so she should have been calm right.that what her mother did. she used to say you can extinguish a fire by water not by throwing more oil into it. she felt a strange movement beside her. she tightened the veil over head. if she will cover her no one will see her ,she will become invisible , she gulped in fear hoping her thoughts were true.

'ahhh... i think i will tell massi tom make gajar ka halwa ,its been so long i have eaten it. but she will put such a big plate of it . how would i eat it all alone.if i left it than she will be disappointed and sad'

'i will help you!' khushi jumped on her feet  listening to arnav's voice .she patted her dress  removing the dust.

'ok' arnav started walking in slow steps as she now matched  with his steps , as they walked in dimming light of sun.

'what are you doing. walk fast  otherwise there will be no  hlawa  by the time we reach there' khushi said to arnav impulsively as she  walked so fast even leaving him behind looks like she just broke a social  rule walking ahead of her husband. he chuckled as he matched with her steps.

their voices melt into the air as they walk having their short talk in between.

'you dont even know the way to her home in the village. slow down and follow me'

'i can smell the halwa . i following the smell so follow me, i do not know  about  reaching your massi's home but we sure will reach to gajar ka halwa'

the joy  and innocence in her voice made arnav laugh  as they walked together.

next part tomorrow.

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