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arnav was feeling angry now. he had promised himself that he wont get angry on khushi anymore but the girl just cant stop making him go back on his promise. he stopped and looked back khushi was walking so slow that even a turtle would have outpaced her hours back. after his talk with aman he has decided to go with everything as earlier , no panic decisions or actions. he told aman to make sure shyam does not meet my grandfather at any cost. while i decided to got khushi admitted in the primary school here and decide what step should i take to tackle shyam bhai's upcoming attacks.

arnav stood straight not moving a step , his hands on his hips as he wait for khushi to reach him. khushi has been unusually silent and sad from the morning.she is not her usual childish chirping self , jumping  here and there and commenting on everything or anyone pass by them. to top it all she has been walking so slow that even slow motion will be ashamed in front of her for being so fast. her head down she walked as if each step she was taking was heavy as a mountain.arnav's anger was increasing by each passing time now.he paced towards her making her halt suddenly and turn her head towards him.

"whats wrong?"  arnav asked in the softest tone he could make right now, scratching his head with his fingers.

not getting a reply , he lost his control.

"what is your problem seriously. my life is already a mess right now, don't make me...lose my mind now. so tell me why are you walking so slow and sad." arnav burst out first than tried to again control his anger looking at her shaking.

" i...i cant read" khushi's meek voice reached arnav's ears , he took a few deep breaths.

"but you were reading my books one day. i thought you liked reading that's why i.." arnav told her as memories of her peeking into his books came back. he thought that she was interested in studying . yes her being busy in school for half a day would certainly make some things easy for him or he wont have to see or look after her all the time but add to that selfish motive of his he had really thought to give her something she might have missed due to  their sudden marriage.

"i was looking at the pictures." khushi replied still head bent down.

"payal was educated i thought you must be too." arnav's word trailed off. what was he thinking no child is interested in studying at this age neither was he at that time. she just wanted to look at the rare  pictures that she can find in the book. i don't remember from where her sister's thought come to me but i do remember that she was educated, she was homeschooled . gupta's were rich though not as much as them but they were quite influential and respectful in their village .

"i learned few hindi basics three months back i don't remember now" khushi pouted her lips , she was having a cold feet. she never went to a school before and after her parents death  she has been living a very sheltered life  with her massi . garima had hired tutors to make her read and learn basic things but being the naughty child she was she never given it much importance. all other girl used to play and do household work only while she was put a up with a extra burden of studying too. she had run at every chance she get from there.she have heard how cruel teachers in school are and how hard study is. she like arnav was wanted to join school to give her a escape from punishment in house.

"its fine  , they will make you learn from the beginning and  you are not so late in joining the school anyway.normally kids of your age or a little less join school. but don't worry if you are intelligent enough , i can talk to the administration to make you skip a few classes . you will have to work a little harder ." arnav said in soft voice trying to ease back her tension.

arnav turned back and told her to walk with him. they will get all this cleared today.but khushi didn't budge from her place .

"come on khushi . lets go. from tomorrow you can come to school with rakesh uncle's daughter's. you can make new friends ,play with them and study ." now arnav was feeling like a parent who was trying to convince his child politely to go to school.is this how first days are like.

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