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Arnav turned to walk out and Khushi turned her back to him . She wiped the tears . She don't want to go with him ,he shouts at her , don't consider her his wife , send her away ,she has some self respect . His family treated her so bad and insulted her father yet she wanted to go to him he thought.

Khushi yelped in surprise as she suddenly went air born . Arnav tighted his hold on Khushi picking her up cave man style.she was light as feather ,without a thought Arnav started moving .
Khushi hit his back with her hands angrily. How dare he pick her up like this.

"Leave me.put me done ji"


Arnav replied making Khushi hit his back hard .

"I will scream and babuji will see you than you see he will throw you out ."

"I am taking you with me Khushi . Now shut up ." Arnav said as he crossed the living room & make his way to back exit .

" But.. I am getting married . I can't Runaway ,my father's respect will be destroyed" tears made her way as Khushi realised how wrong this decision is . She has already ran away once from her home and went to her in laws hoping to find her husband there but to her luck he was not there. When she came back after arnav rejected her she came to know how much trouble she has caused her parents .

All the neighborhood looked upon her first because she was going to get divorced and marry again . No one wanted to marry a girl who is rejected by her in laws plus running away from home . Her father tried to find good grooms for her and a respected family but with so many bad things said about her no married her. She might not be matured enough but she did felt the tension that her parents were going through.

Her to be groom finally agreed to marry her . She know her filter was not so ealstic about the alias but it was all they can get for her. Her father maybe trying to show he is happy and getting a lot power and stature in the society but she knows within that smile he is sad and hut to see her went through this marriage.

Khushi came out of her thoughts as Arnav sat her down on the carriage . She looked here there frantically and tried jumping out of carriage . Arnav stopped her.

"I have to go . I can't Runaway my parents will be disappointed. My husband is waiting"

"I am your husband!!" Arnav shook khushi's shoulder in anger. Khushi looked at him shocked.

"Now listen to me . We are not running away . I am taking my wife with me " Arnav said clenching his teeth in anger. He had enough ,her husband my foot . I am her husband and I have come to take her and no one will stop ,no one can Arnav thought.

Arnav sat down holding her tight . He signaled vivek who was held the reins to horse. Carriage started moving .

"My clothes and everything . I need to get my bag" Khushi scared all of sudden .

Arnav looked at her perplexed .They can go back now and clothes didn't enter his thoughts only think that matter to him was getting Khushi out of her house safe and sound with him.

"We will buy you new clothes.its fine .stop screaming now" Arnav said knowing how difficult it would be actually fullfil his promise . He has not think a lot of things through .

Carriage kept on moving as Khushi looked at her passing house than her village. Tears still wetting her eyes. She dont know if this decision will turn out to be good or not .After few hours on the carriage ,Khushi find herself sleepy and felt lying the warm embrace as her heart and mind sleep peacefully after so long.


"Khushi has gone with her husband" Garima said looking at her feet. She know that she will have to face all the aftereffects of khushi's runaway.

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