Chapter 25

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I got a record player for Christmas! I'm so happy :) anyways, enjoy this chapter <3 ~J

I walked into the floor I wanted to go; Gerard's work. He said he was going to meet Patrick again and I begged to tag along but he declined. I drove in the bus to Gerard's work so I can ask Jamia if she knew anyone named Patrick. I approached Jamia's desk and smiled at her before asking.

"Hi, Jam Jam," I smiled, leaning to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Frankie," She chuckled, looking up from her computer. "Gerard isn't here."

"Oh, I know," I said simply. "I was wondering if you know anyone named Patrick...?"

"Um, let me check..."She muttered, pausing to type on her computer. "I know a Patrick Stump." She glanced at her computer screen before looking up at me.

"Who is that?"

"Its an old high school friend of Gerard's," Jamia replied. "I've met him before, very sweet and kind."

"Okay," I whispered. "Do you know when was the last time he spoke to Gerard?"

"Yeah, about two years ago."

"What?" I exclaimed, my eyes widened and few people stopped to stare. I blushed as they continued walking. "B-but- are you sure that's correct?"

"Frank," She started, "Gerard tells me everything about his friends and work, including you." I couldn't help but smile and blush when Jamia told me that Gerard talks about me.

I looked down at my shoes before asking her, "How does he look like?"

"He's handsome, but I don't go that way."

I looked at her in confusion and she just burst into giggles. 

"Well, thanks for helping me, Mia," I smiled, leaning over to give her a small hug that she happily returned. I went to the elevator and pressed the button that'll take me to the exit. I stepped out of the building and began walking to Starbucks. It was a far walk but I made it.

I got in the line, taking out my phone from my backpack and called Gerard. It was a few rings before he picked up.

"B-baby?" Gerard asked through the line.

"Hi, daddy," I said quietly, making sure no one hears me.

"Sweetie, I'm busy right now."

"With what?" I raised a brow. "You and Patrick are just hanging out, what's there to be busy about?"

"Don't you dare give me that tone, young man," He warned. "I'll call you back, I love you and be safe."

Before I can say anything, I heard beeping, telling me that the call has ended. I frowned and shoved my phone in my backpack. Just as I was zipping it closed, it was my turn to order. I stepped up and ordered a basic caramel frappacuino with whip cream.

I waited patiently and my name was called; I grabbed my frappacuino and sat at the empty booths. I stick my straw in the plastic cup, happily sipping at it.

"Hey, Frankie."

I looked up and to my delight, it was Brendon. He had a cup in his hand, and I assumed there was coffee inside.

"Hi, Brendon!" I giggled, sipping my drink while I swing my feet back and forth. "Do you want to sit down?"

He nodded and sat across from me, setting the coffee aside as he clasped his hands together, "How are you?"

"I'm doing better, thank you for asking," I replied, beaming at him, "How are you and-" I cleared my throat before finishing, "-Ryan?"

"We're, uh, doing fine," He smiled. "Where's your boyfriend?"

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