Chapter Twelve

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*Third Person*

The brunette got out of his car at the gas station.

This place still smells like shit, Matthew thought to himself as he put his card into the machine.  

*Your P.O.V*

The anger left my body, and I couldn't help but be full of sadness.  I didn't know what to do next.  I had already blocked Kenny.  I decided that he was worth my time or an explanation.  I knew that this was going to happen the whole time.  

I crawled into my bed and sobbed, hard.  I couldn't help it, tears came flowing out.  I did it for at least twenty minutes, when the doorbell rang.  I ran down the stairs.  It was late, and I knew it had to be Kenny.  

As soon as I opened the door, I realized I was very very wrong.  Matthew stood there, looking better than ever. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't form a coherent thought.  

"Hello, (Y/N)," he smiled.  "You look upset?  Something happen between you and Kenny?"

I couldn't help but sob more.  

Why is he here?  Is it a sign?  Why would Kenny cheat on me?  

I was so confused, but Matthew pulled me into a hug.

He hushed me, "It's okay (Y/N).  I'm here for you.  I told you Kenny was just going to hurt you."

I couldn't fight the embrace any longer.  I instantly relaxed in his arms and eventually hugged him back.  

"I missed having you so close," he whispered to me. 

The Poor and the Pretty (Part Two): Kenny McCormick x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now