4- Demon Time!

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'I think it's came this way' I said pointing in a direction. Sunnydale seemed small but walking around it, it felt huge.

'Thanks Kat, I think I see it' Buffy smiled

The demon turned around and looked Buffy straight in the eye, Buffy pulled a sword out of the bag. She charged at the demon but with a wave of his hand a spell came flying at Buffy. I quickly waved my hand back and blocked the spell for Buffy who jammed the demon right in the heart, he wasn't expecting the spell to be stopped.

'Wow thanks Kat, we could use you all the time' Buffy beamed

'Yeah I would love to learn a few spells from you' Willow said eagerly.

'Of course anytime' I laughed.

Xander and Anya walked back to their apartment, Willow, Tara and Buffy dragged themselves back to college and Uncle Giles and I walked back to our house. It still didn't feel like home but I had no choice.

'Do you reckon they like me?' I asked

'Well yes, I would say so' he smiled

Giles unlocked the door and we stumbled in nearly tripping over all the books I had left. Whoops.

'Kat' Giles said without even looking at me.

'Yes' I sat down and started going through the books again.

I couldn't seem to sort them out because I wanted to read them all.

'You have too many' I exclaimed

Giles handed me a cup of tea, we had that in common.

'The rest are at the Magic Box actually' Giles informed me

'What's that?' I asked

'Oh I own a magic shop' Giles said calmly

'You forgot to tell your niece, who is a witch! That you own a magic shop!' I yelled

'Ah dear me, sorry'

'No problem' I faked a smile. I was angry on the inside.

'Maybe you could lend a hand around there with all your magic knowledge, Anya works there so I can't exactly give you a job' he told me

'It's okay I would love to help though'

'Well I am off to bed, you can finish that in the morning' Giles said pointing at the books.

'Nah I'll do it now'

'Okay goodnight Kat'

'Night Giles'

I went long into the night sorting through all the books, I learnt a few new spells that I had to practise quietly. I burnt a hole in the back of the couch by accident, I hope Giles doesn't notice, I just forgot one little tiny part in the spell and it goes bonkers. If you stand up you can't even see the hole anyway.

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