15-Our New Teams

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A Week Later After Lucy Met Aquarius...
Third person P.O.V.
Lucy has met with all of her other keys. She loved them like family already! They explained to her that they are at their strongest when a contract is made with the spirit and its wizard. She has finished her contracts with them by the help of Natsu. He's the only one who knows about her spirits. Leo tolled her not to tell anyone else, it might cause panic.

Erza's P.O.V.
Ever since last week, Lucy would wake up in the best mood ever. She would be nice to everyone, even Gajeel, whom she hates. She would have a big smile on her face and whenever someone tried to touch her keys, she would pull them away.

I'm happy that she's happy but it's kind of suspicious. She's never like this. She's way too enthusiastic and "happy". Honestly, I worry for her.

"Alright, listen up!" Gildarts yelled. Today, we had assassination P.E. We sat outside on the grass in our teams, "at the end of class today, I'm gonna make three big announcements. Let's keep the shrieking to a minimum." He folded his arms, "now stand, we're going to rehearse our moves."

We all stood up and began swinging our knifes. Makarov watched us as we yelled. We ducked and turned, "1," We swung to the right, "2!" We swung to the left, "3!" And on and on it went.


It has been three hours of training. I fell down, reeking in sweat. I wasn't as sweaty as Natsu, Elfman, Cana, Wendy, Gray, Laxus, and Gajeel tho. Gildarts began, "now I shall tell you the three announcements. One," he began, "We will be getting new members. They were invited here by Laxus and Freed. Second, we will start listing jobs. You get payed from the people who posted them up on the board every time you complete the quest. You're allowed to take a job whenever you want that is unless you have training or class. And lastly, you will be picking new teams."

"As in we get to pick the teams!?" Natsu jumped.

"No, we'll pick them for you. Your team also has to have a name." Gildarts said, "come inside to meet your new friends."

We stood up in excitement and walked inside. We walked into the basket ball room and stared at some people who stood there. Lucy walked to me, "I'm so exited!" She jumped.

"Yeah," I said.

Professor bitch began as a girl with long dark pink hair walked to her and whispered in her ear then walked back to where she was standing. "I would like you to meet Ultear," she pointed at the girl with long black hair, "her code name is Arc Of Time. Meredy," she pointed at the girl with dark pink hair, "code name is Kula meaning caring." She pointed at a girl with blonde hair, "This is Evergreen, code name is Stone." She pointed at the guy standing next to her, "This is Bickslow, code name Souls." Then lastly she pointed at the odd one out, "this is Sorano, code name is Angel."

Juvia smiled, "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Juvia!"

Meredy smiled, "Hello, it's nice to meet you too."

"Your teams will be listed in your rooms." Makorov walked in, "as for Lucy, I'd like to talk to her." Lucy sighed and walked to him.

I shrugged and walked out. It's none of my business anyway. Jellal caught up to me, "what do you think of the new guys?"

"They're not bad," I said, "that Angel girl gives me a weird feeling tho."

A long smirk spread across his face, "You jealous?"

"What would I be jealous of her!?" I yelled at him. Jellal began giggling. I rolled my eyes and walked into the elevator. He followed me and pressed the floor of my room number, "what are you doing?" I asked.

"Going to your room?"

"But why?"

"To see your team?"

"Why not just go to your room?"

"It's too far?"

"Is this your way of asking me out?"

"Now," he chuckled, "don't flatter yourself!" It got silent for a moment, "yes, it is."

I blushed a little, "okay then." I walked out of the elevator and entered my room. He followed and I shut the door.

There was an envelope on my bed. I walked to it, picked it up, and opened it. I read them and laughed, "Jellal," I called to him. He walked to me, "you might find these interesting." He leaned over my shoulder and looked at the paper.

NAME: Crime Sorcère
Jellal, Mystogan
Ultear, Arc Of Time
Sorano, Angel
Meredy, Kula

NAME: Fairy Tail (master Mokorov's code name)
Natsu, Salamander
Erza, Titania
Wendy, Maiden Of The Sky
Gray, Ice King
Lucy, Celeste
Gajeel, Black Steel
Juvia, The Rain Woman (yes, I've changed it!)

NAME: Mages
Lisanna, Umusa
Mira Jane, Demon 
Cana, Letra
Elfman, Njeri
Bucchus, Ivre

NAME: Thunder Legion
Laxus, Lighting Bolt
Freed, Homneur
Evergreen, Stone
Bickslow, Souls

"We're not on the same team!?" He exclaimed, "how come I have to be with a bunch of newbies?"

"Sucks for you!" I laughed in his face.

He groaned, "oh well, it's always good to make new friends. So, about going out together, what do you say?"

"It depends where and when."

"We'll go tomorrow night." Jellal said.

I began thinking, "I don't know, I tolled the girls I would hang out with them-"

"I'm going to the most famous cheese cake factory there is!" He winked.

A smile grew on my face, "CHEESE CAKE, HERE I COME!" I jumped.

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