19-Rescuing Magnolia [1]

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Erza's P.O.V.
Master Mokorov walked in with a frown on his face. He slammed the palm of his hands on the wooden stand on the front, "master," I asked, "is something the matter?"

"Oh, something is very wrong, Erza." He sighed.

"What is the matter?" Meredy asked.

He looked up at his students, "Erza, Laxus, Natsu," he pointed at each one, "Gray, Lucy, Jellal, Gajeel, Wendy, and Mira Jane." Then he looked at his watch and up at them again, "the names I have called, you will be taking a job. Gildarts will come with you."

"What?" Lisanna looked up at him, "what about the others?"

"You will be taking a different job with Karen. The first team I've called, you will rescue Magnolia from a guild." He said, "it's very important that you help them."

"A guild?" Natsu laughed, "it's a guild, they can handle themselves."

"Natsu, this is important!" He yelled at him. Then he took a deep breath, "and the others, I'm going to give you something I want you to search for."

"I HAVE TO FIGHT WITHOUT MY GRAY!?" Juvia cried, "kill me now!"

Ultear began "Is this like a treasure hunt?"

"How come they get the more manly job?!" Elfman exclaimed.

"Just listen. You will be leaving tomorrow." He ordered, "and you won't get back here until you have done what I've asked you to!"


Third person P.O.V.
"He sounded pretty serious," Wendy said, trying to squeeze into the wagon.

"Yes, very serious." Laxus said.

Erza sat in between the sick Natsu and the naked Gray, "GRAY, PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" she yelled.

"You poor thing," Mira laughed.

"how does this always happen!?" He yelled.

"I swear to God, if Natsu throws up on me I'll go on a rampage." Laxus said. He sat next to Natsu while Mira sat on the opposite side of him next to Wendy. Gajeel and Jellal fought for the spot. Levy was driving the wagon.

"I give up," Gajeel jumped out of the wagon, walked to the drivers seat and sat next to Levy.


Once they finally arrived at Magnolia, they noticed that there was barley anyone there. It was a reck. The houses were a mess, the place was a mess. In the middle was a big wooden house. It had a flag with a half moon and a a circle under it.

"Wow, this is hideous." Lucy looked around.

Mira Jane smiled, "That's why we're here. Master said that we need to beat the guild."

"A whole guild against a bunch of teens? This'll be hard." Jellal began walking to the guild. Everyone followed him.

Natsu ran to the door, "who cares? This'll be a breeze!" He kicked the door open.

Erza grabbed his ear, "you idiot!" She yelled.

Gray looked inside, "no one is here!" He walked in. He looked around, "what a mess!" There was drinks spilled all over the ground, food on the tables, and weapons on the wall.

The others followed after him, "we probably shouldn't be barging in like that, what if they were here?" Mira Jane asked.

"We'd beat them up." Laxus said, "we need to split up into groups. Some of us explore Magnolia and the others explore this guild." He looked at Erza, "what do you think, Erza?"

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