Two: Wounded and Scarred

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Arima Kousei POV: (3 years ago)

I was woken up by a nurse who entered my room in the mental hospital where I was locked in.

I tried to escape but she still held and pinned me on a wall. She could hear me whimpering but she still did and struck a long, painful needle on my veins. She shoved medicines on my mouth after that. After that, she dragged me out of my room with handcuffs on until we reached the visiting rooms. I was surprised to see Seto Hiroko when we arrived inside it.

"Ma'am, I hope you do take care of him patiently. He's still in trauma but he had already stopped trying to kill himself," the female nurse told me after I was taken off handcuffs. "I hope you are sure to do this."

"Don't worry. I will take care of him," she told her. I'm wearing a white shirt and white pants in the building where I lived for years. I know that I should be happy that I don't have handcuffs now but it was so new to me that I don't have one outside my room.

Seto Hiroko took my hands and my medicines after that on the table. She knelt in front of me. "How are you, Kousei?"

I didn't say anything. I don't want to speak. I haven't spoken any word ever since I found my father in a pool of blood. I'm still at that place and I can't forget it. I can't leave that dreadful past of mine. I don't want to believe he's dead. It's just a dream, right? I haven't woken up from this dreadful nightmare, right?

"Apparently, ma'am, he is still in trauma and he hasn't spoken a word ever since we had him here," she told her.

"Does he know what his age is now?" she asked her.

I spoke up for the very first time to answer her question. "Fifteen... I'm fifteen... I just graduated... Dad is waiting for me. We... "

After that, I heard them gasp. I don't know why they all looked shocked. I'm right, aren't I?

She hugged me with tears flowing down her eyes. "Kousei, you're eighteen years old now," she told me.

"No! No! I'm fifteen! My father... My father is still alive, right?" I shouted at them with my tears spreading out of my eyes.

"I'll help you move on, Kousei. You don't deserve to stay here in Yokohama Mental Hospital," she said to me as she held my hands gently while I sob so painfully. "If the Sawabes can't take care of you, I will."

She dried my tears as she slowly brings me out of the building where I have lived and adapted. The walls protected me from the dangers of the outside world. Now that I am outside, I feel afraid of the world.


Upon the time we reached her blue house, she made me sit on a bed. Like the nurses from where I came from, she injected something into me that helps me sleep dreamlessly for a while. I closed my eyes immediately while I feel her covering me with a blanket. The medicine was too temporary as I still dream about the day I found my father dying on the floor that makes me scream harder.


Seto Hiroko POV:

The next day when I saw Kousei awake, I was astounded to see him having blank eyes. His blank eyes gave me so many chills that I felt fear spread on my nerves but I need to fight that fear. He's a helpless and lifeless doll that breathes right now. He needs me to take care of him.

My husband, Seto Genichi visited me in my blue house in Tokyo to take our daughter after he heard that I took Kousei at my house. He's afraid of what he will do in my house due to his delicate condition. "The boy is mentally dead, Seto Hiroko! You can't save the boy already. He died on the same day his father was killed. He only looks like he is still alive and breathing but he's gone! Return him back in the mental hospital!"

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