Sixteen: Third Attempt

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A/n: I hope you like this chapter!


Arima Kousei POV:

"Grandfather, won't you really allow me to be a secret service agent like my father?" I asked him a week after the two female agents left the mansion inside his huge office.

"I can't let you die! You know what you are to me, grandson," he spoke back to me.

"I want to give my father justice!" I screamed at him.

"Giving them information is enough, Kousei. I don't want you running inside a war. Do you understand?" he said to me.

"Aren't we in a war already against him, grandpa? Okata Jun killed my father and he tried to kill me!" I shouted. "How could you assure me that I will stay safe at home?"

He looked me in the eyes sharply. "I am sure that Okata Jun warned you that he will destroy you if he sees you again if you so choose to become like your father. There is also a possibility that he knows that you will choose that path. Do you want to be destroyed?"

"No, grandpa," I answered back disappointedly.

"Come back and beg for it when you could face me that you are ready to use a gun and carry the burden of sin," he shouted at me as he looks back at the window in front of us.

I began crying. I am angry. It's not fair!

His words made me really angry that I left the living room disappointed. I can't believe that deep inside me, I am a coward. I am not ready to face him. Kaori's luckily with me. She hugged me to comfort me. "Kousei, you don't need to be a secret service agent to give your father justice. We don't want you to have more trauma. You have enough trauma and wounds."

"I can't just stay here waiting for results while there are agents and people dying because of me. It's me he wants," I cried.

"Don't pretend that you can fight him, Kousei. Are you not afraid of Okata Jun?" she asked me.

I looked up at her. "Yes. I am afraid of him. Even so, I want to know how I could protect myself. I can't just stay here doing nothing."


I was able to live in the mansion peacefully for a couple of weeks until that peace and quiet were broken by some Mafia Assassins who were after me. I am sure that they are allies of Okata Jun and Princess Ayami. I could hear sounds of gunshots outside the mansion.

Two agents immediately looked for me to guard me against those Mafia Men. When they saw me and Kaori inside my room, one of them immediately told me, "You have to come with us. The war has come as they say already. They proclaim that Okata Jun heard that you survived and he's pissed off. They all wanted to kill you."

My eyes widened. "Where's my grandfather?" I asked worriedly.

"He's safe. Don't worry, Arima Kousei. He is safe with Agent Yukata. My name's Agent Akinichi," he told me.

We began running away from where I am standing while Agent Akinichi is guiding me and Kaori outside our mansion to go at the car to leave the house. I used myself as a shield for Kaori while there are some assassins pulling their guns and shooting at us. I can't let her die on me while we flee to escape. I could hear some of my assassins getting in our mansion. After a few more moments while there are a lot of bullets raining down on us in the garden, we finally reached the car parked outside our mansion. The fighting has also already ended after a few minutes when we reached the car. It seemed my bodyguards won over against the Mafia's men, luckily. A lot of them are being handcuffed already. Some have been shot repeatedly and passed away. After I entered the car, I felt my arm wet. I touched it and that is when I learned that I was shot at my arm.

"You're shot!" screamed Kaori.

I winced so badly as the blood on my arms keeps on getting out of my body. My grandfather had just come by and told the agents after seeing me bleeding, "Bring him immediately back in the hospital while you clean my house! Protect my grandson! I can't let my grandson fall under that madman's hands!" The agents saluted him. After that, two agents entered the car to bring me to the hospital.


Miyazono Kaori POV:

For now, I covered his bleeding arm through my handkerchief while we are in the car. I'm still thankful that Kousei is only shot at his arm. I know that I could still see him suffering but at least, he won't die on me easily.

"Stay with me, okay?" I told Kousei.

He nodded. "Of course, Kaori."

After a few minutes, we finally reached the hospital. I let Kousei use me as a walking cane to hold himself up while we enter the hospital. The agent with us helped me carry him out of the car. After we reached the hospital building, he was immediately transferred in a wheelchair by some emergency doctors who rushed beside us. He was rushed in the operating room to remove the bullet stuck on her arm after they gave him first aid. An hour later, his grandfather, Arima Shinichiro joined us.

Seto Hiroko, Agent Yukauchi and his mental health doctors joined us in the hospital to wait for Kousei outside the operating room. A few more moments passed and finally, a doctor faced us while Kousei was brought out of the operating room. Kousei's right arm was put in a cast. We all gathered to listen to what he has to say. The surgeon is medium built and a bit brownish in color. His eyes are black, too. "The patient, Mr. Arima Kousei have lost a lot of blood and so, we have given him some blood and some liquids. He won't be able to use his right arm temporarily and he would need to stay here for a day. As for other related things, he is perfectly healthy. That's all for now. You can already visit him in his room."

He left us immediately after he reported to us. Seto Hiroko looked at Agent Yukauchi angrily. "How come Okata Jun knew where Kousei is?" she asked him.

He replied back, "It's possible that it wasn't actually Okata Jun who knew where Kousei is! Yes. He learned that Kousei is still alive but it can't be just him first who knew that he is still alive."

"What do you mean by that, Agent Yukauchi?" I asked him.

"The two agents who talked to Kousei about the hidden message of the musical piece he has given us the information that a Japanese Princess is behind Okata Jun. I believe that the princess has someone in the inside spying on us," he suggested. "I'll find out who he is immediate."

I left them talking to each other how they would be able to protect Kousei. I would be a bother to them there. I still hate it that Kousei can't seem to leave the hospital. He was just out of it for a week and right now, he is back here, again. I asked the receptionist where Kousei could have been sent by his doctor. She answered that he is located in Room 104. I walked away quickly to look for his room.

A few minutes later, I finally reached Kousei's room. I knocked and a nurse opened his room. That's where I saw Kousei, awake and sitting on his bed with a cast on his arms. He immediately stood up when he saw me enter his room. "I'll just be here for a day. Don't worry so much about me, okay?"

What he said relaxed me. "Thank goodness Kousei! I was really worried about you!" I cried on his chest at that time. "Stop worrying me, idiot!"

Kousei hugged me through his left arm and kissed my forehead. "Forgive me for worrying you."


A/n: I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! I love the comments! How's my book doing? I think this is about to end, soon. I don't know when but I am already thinking about what kind of end I'll give it. If you have suggestions, why don't you write it down in the comment section?

Thanks for reading!

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