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Phil spotted Dan by the cliff side and approached him carefully. Dan hadn't seen him yet. Dan was too busy screaming and crying over the cliff. Phil looks at Dan with tears in his eyes. The once happy Dan looks as if he's been taken away forever and been replaced with a sad, empty Dan.

Dan: You were never there for me! I hate you! You think you can make me upset by the words you say? Well too bad because I believed you anyway! Every single insult, I already knew about myself so joke's on you!

Phil: Dan! Stop!

Dan turned to face Phil with free falling tears streaming down his face. He smiled sadly when he saw Phil. With a broken voice, Dan shouts to Phil.

Dan: Funny isn't it? *crying* It's like we've switched people.

Phil: Dan please don't do this.

Dan: Phil, there's nothing here for me. I just want to be free from this nightmare.

Phil: I know exactly how you feel. I know how it feels to have the whole world against you but I promise you that it does get better.

Dan: No it doesn't. You just convince yourself that you're fine but you never truly are. This is the only way out.

Phil: If you throw yourself off that cliff, I'll throw myself off it right after you.

Dan: You wouldn't.

Phil: You're wrong.

Dan: Phil go away. I'd rather you not be here. Just go back to forgetting I even existed.

Phil: I'm not leaving you here. You can't die Dan.

Dan: *cries* Why not?

Phil: I need you.

Dan: *laughs* No you don't. You have people who care about you. You're loved. No one gives a damn about me, it's better off for me to just go away.

Phil: Not for me it isn't!

Phil starts crying and pleading for Dan to come back from the edge of the cliff. Phil didn't know what to do. Phil knew what it was like to be in that position. He knew that Dan would take a lot of tempting before he'd come back, if he did.

Dan: I can't. If I go back, then I'll never have the guts to kill myself. I need to do it now.

Phil: Dan stop!

Dan: *cries* Why Phil? Give me one valid reason.

Phil: Dan I love you!

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