First Piece

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*12 Years Ago*

"Annalynn!" My best friend yelled. A smile was plastered across his lightly tanned face as we ran to each other in joy and happiness. We were happy to see each other as it had been a while. His brown eyes twinkled in the setting sun behind me.

Alexander Matthew Martinez: my best friend, but I call him Matty for short.

I had just gotten back from my grandma's for the summer and I hadn't seen Matty in two and half months and I was literally dying without him. This is the longest I have ever been without him since my mom was now making me visit my grandma for the entire of summers.

"Matty!" I screamed out just as loud, opening up my arms for him as we slammed into each other and fell to the grass below in laughter. We rolled around on his front lawn in each other's arms. "I missed you Anna Bear!"

I giggled in happiness at my nickname, inhaling the scent of him that I have missed so much of the months. His scent always made my heart and soul feel like I was home.

"I missed you so much!" I cried, through my giggles.

We laid on his front lawn and watched the sun completely set. I laid on his chest as he held me, his arm around possessively.

Matty sighed in contentment. "Anna Bear, I swear I will love you forever."

(Flashback Over)


"Hey, there pretty lady." The John called to me from his car as I leaned against an abandoned building, daydreaming about when time was simpler.


I can't believe I let myself even go there which only means that I needed another hit soon and that my high is wearing off. I never let myself think for a minute about him. I haven't seen him in a little over seven years and I refuse to let my mind wander to those memories.

I put on my most suggestive, convincing smile and approached the passenger side of his red, beat-down car. I mentally rolled my eyes knowing that he was already going to go with a low starting price.

Low ballers are irritating, and they always think that the nightly prices are too high because they don't have enough money to pay. But I knew I needed to meet my quota for tonight otherwise I would pay for it later.

Swaying my hips seductively, I leaned over into his window, ass out and tits on display. I thought the outside of his car was bad, he was worse. He looked in his mid-forties, beer gut, dirty clothes, and chip teeth to match. And he had some sort of weird smell to his car, almost like the mix between ball sweat and twenty-one-day-old fish.

He probably picks up all the time and has sex in the back seat of his car.

Low ballers also never like to pay for a room, sometimes I don't mind because then they have more money to give me.

"Looking for a fun time?" I asked him suggestively, trying not to heave all over the inside of his car. I didn't want to add to the funky smell.

He smirked at me. "How much for the night?"

"$500." I told him.

He sighed. "Come on, baby." I really hate that fucking word. "How much for just a sample?"

Low fucking baller. He should appreciate the price; I am considered high-end on these corners. That's why I have a lot of repeat clients because they like how I keep myself up.

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