Third Piece

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"Who in the fuck was that?" Marcos demanded to know.

We were now driving down the street, headed back to the motel after leaving from the fancy hotel with Jacob and Matty. Mandy was in the front seat while I was thrown in the back by Marcos.

"Nobody." I lied, putting my head down.

He was really upset about the whole Matty thing. I didn't expect Matty to advance on Marcos in that way, especially since we spent years in high school together not speaking to each other. And when I was bullied and tormented by the other students right in front of him, not once did he come to my defense.

For years, I hated him. He made stupid promises to always protect me and during the time I really needed him, he completely let me down. He wants to wait until now to jump to my defense, but where the fuck was he years ago.

It's too late.

We got back to the motel and Marcos demanded the money from us, pulling $500 off the top of each for our cuts and passing it to us. I was surprised to see that he was giving us more, I was hoping that he would. But what I really wanted wasn't the money, not with the morning that I was having and Marcos knew exactly what I was looking for. Which is why he took it from his pocket and dangled it in front of my face.

"This what you want, baby girl?" He questioned, but he knew.

I nodded my head frantically. I could feel my face and my body twitch but I couldn't control a lick of it. My eyes were fixed on the little bag dangling in front of my face and I wanted it. I wanted it so bad. "Yes, please."

I was pathetic and I knew it. I would do anything for a fix and he knew that. I especially wanted it now, I needed something to numb me in this moment. Seeing Matty was too fucking much for me, I wanted something to help me forget about everything, just for a little while.

He snatched it away, his eyes evil. "Too fucking bad."

"No, no, no." I cried as he walked towards the door, opened it, and walked out. "Marcos, please." I begged him, but he just left. He ignored me like I never existed and I cried because I knew tonight was going to be one hell of a fucking night.

I cried for hours until I finally just accepted the fact that this night was going to completely and totally suck. Marcos knew what he was doing since this isn't the first time he has done it. He has left me without a fix for multiple days at a time. Letting me suffer as I went through violent withdrawals.

I eventually cried myself to sleep, but was woken up by the fucking shakes.

Withdrawals are never fun.

I fein for it, I sweat, I cry, and I overheat. I need it. That's all my body tells me, is that I need it.

It's 3pm and I'm fucking out of it.

So, I get up out of bed quietly while Mandy sleeps, I dress, and then I leave. I don't know what I am doing, but I know where I am going and that is to the hotel where Jacob is because I know for sure that he has some shit that will hold me over until Marcos stops being a dick.

It took me forever to get there by bus, but I needed to get there. People on the ride over looked over at me with strange faces because they probably knew that I was on some shit, but hadn't had my shit.

Almost two hours later, I landed myself in front of the same hotel that I had been just hours ago. And I remember the exactly room Jacob was in, so I ran inside and made my way up to his floor in the elevator.

Jacob had the ecstasy, that much I knew. And I knew that it would hold me until Marcos stops acting like a fucking bitch.

The elevator beeped with each floor it passed, dragging out my anticipation and anxiousness. He was on the eighth floor, but the way I felt seemed like I was headed to the eight hundredth floor.

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