Tenth Piece

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*9 Years Ago*

I walked down the hallway to my best friend's room, scared that his parents might catch me in the act. They always tell me to sleep in the guest room or in Rocio's and Lucia's, but I always come looking for Matty in the middle of the night.

"Matty?" His room was pitch black, so I knew that he was sleep, and of course he would be at one o'clock in the morning. "Matty?" I whispered again, stepping into his room and closing the door. He didn't move an inch, but it doesn't take much to wake him. "Matty?" I said a little louder.

He jerked out of his sleep, and rolled over in his back. Light from the moon coming through his black curtain reflected off of his bare chest. He was fit in all the right places.

My best friend is beautiful.

And I never thought of him as more than friend until hit puberty. I started seeing him in a different way, more sexually. I was a 15 year-old girl with raging hormones.

I started noticing thinks about him, things I hadn't noticed before. And he was going through puberty too, so his voice got deeper and more velvety. His arms, chest, and back got more muscle definition as he began working out and getting into sports more.

And his smell, God, his smell.

"Anna Bear, what are you doing in here?" He chuckled, sitting up in his bed.

I gave him a small smile. "You ask me that every time I sneak into your room."

"You know I have to." He was already making room for me in his bed as he lifted the covers to let me in. "Come on."

I snuggled into his side and under his blankets as he wrapped his arms around me. "You always make me feel safe."

He chuckled. "Is that way you sneak in here? I thought it was because you couldn't keep your hands off of my body."

If the lights were on then he would have seen me blush.

I was too embarrassed to speak as a long moment of silence went by. "I was only kidding, An."

"Right." I giggled. Out of habit I laid my hand on his chest to get comfortable. "I just missed you."

"Yes, but why?" He asked me.

I wasn't understanding what he was getting at. "What do you mean?"

I didn't notice that I was running my hand up and down his chest absentmindedly until he grabbed my wrist. "Stop doing that." There was a hint of humor in his voice, but I could also tell that he was being serious. His voice was really deep, deeper than I have ever heard it before.

"Why?" I asked him in pure curiosity.

His chuckle was strained. "Because, it feels..." He trailed off. "Good." Matty seemed embarrass to admit it.

"Why don't you want me to make you feel good?" I asked him. I would want someone to make me feel good, especially Matty.

I've never been touched in a sexual way, let alone been kissed by anyone. I wouldn't know how it would make him feel. But if it made him feel good, I just wanted to keep doing it.

Using the tips of my fingers, I approached his collar bone from the top of his belly bottom, ever so slightly. And was beyond satisfied when I got a chill out of him.

"Anna." His breath intake was sharp, and nearly a groan out of pleasure. "I have a girlfriend, remember?"

My heart dropped when I thought about it.

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