Fifth Piece

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My body hurt.

It was the first thing I felt upon waking up; my body was in pain. It hurt so much to even breathe.

I had a withdrawal.

In front of Matty...

My eyes flew open as I heard the shower turn on in the bathroom. I turned my head to see that Matty was not laying next me, he must be in the shower.

It was my best chance to get my shit and go. I was embarrassed, I could never look him in the eyes, not right now. He knew that I was strung out on drugs, and was fucking around in the street for money.

I was straight out embarrassed.

Slowly, I got out of the bed, I didn't want to, it was very comfy. But I did. Searching the room, I found all of my stuff, including my dress and purse. I didn't want to walk out just wearing one of Matty's white shirts, but I didn't have a choice.

Not being able to figure out the lock quiet enough, Matty heard me which is why he called my name from the shower. "Anna?" He didn't sound too sure if he was hearing correctly.

With my heart beating out of my chest, I worked to get the door unlocked. I didn't want to answer him back because he was already unsure of what he was actually hearing. "Fuck." I cursed under my breath.

When I finally got the door unlocked, I swung it open and ran down the hallway at full speed, once on the elevator I ran I pushed the bottom for the lobby. As soon as those elevators doors opened, I ran again and out of the hotel, barely dodging a few people. I ran until I couldn't run anymore, and I finally found a bus that would take me the way of my home.

Home; back with Mandy and Marcos.

Who was I kidding?

They are my family, I could never leave them. They are the ones that I know and they know me. Matty is in my past, he doesn't love me anymore and he hasn't for quite sometime. If he did love me then he would have never let me get away the first time, back in high school.

He has a fiancé now.

I have no role in his life, just like he doesn't have one in mine.

When I finally did make it back to the motel, Mandy was the first person I saw when I walked into our room. "Oh my God, honey!" She ran to me as I stepped in the door and pulled me into a hug. "Baby, what happened to you?" She asked me as she pulled back to get a look at me. "Your face." She pouted, moving my hair from my face. "Here, sit down with me, I have to call Marcos."

"I was attacked." I told her. "By Sanders."

She knew exactly who Sanders was and she was just as afraid of him as I am. He is not a good guy, I mean, Marcos isn't a picnic, but Sanders is worse.

She called Marcos and told him everything, apparently he had been out all night looking for me and I really didn't know how to take that. First, he gives me the silent treatment, then drops me off last night and not keep an eye on me, when he usually does, then he's out all night looking for me.

He's confusing.

But right when he walked into or room he didn't say anything and just pulled me into a great big hug. And I realized, that this is all I wanted and all I needed.

I broke down.

I didn't realize how much I missed him until he was here comforting me. He loved me and in some strange way, I loved him too. And I needed him because at the end of the day he was the only man I could depend on to love and protect me.

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