Eighth Piece

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There's a piece of me that loves all the attention from what I do. Then there's a piece of me that hates every fucking inch of it, but that part only comes out when I am sober. My own personal tip; try not to be sober.

We found dresses.

More like gowns.

What we are attending is so formal and proper that we didn't understand why we were here in the first place. But we were, for Marcos. We work for him, and we will always work for him.

I mean, come on. We are hookers, from the street, there is no reason we should be in a ballroom, wearing gowns, chatting with women and men who sip their drinks with their pinkies up, and have large sticks up their asses.

I wore an all red gown, it was long and elegant. The sides were criss crossed out so you could see quite a bit of skin from the side of my boob to the length of my belly bottom.

I absolutely loved my dress and it did an awesome job at making me fit in here.

Apparently, we were hired to attend this formal gathering of some sort with these two single bachelors that work for a very prestigious software company. But the only reason they were paying so much money; ten thousand for each of us to be exact, was because we were attending the event with them and was to be escorted back to their hotel rooms to entertain two more of their friends.

When he told us that I was immediately in the fuck my life mood, I wasn't happy. I'm still not happy, but I choose to accept it because this is my life, and I'm stuck in this life. With no way out.

I have no one.

No one wants me, but Marcos. He is my savior.

"Who knew that we would be coming here tonight. Trying to fit in where we don't belong." Mandy muttered to me. "This is so fucking lame. Why can't we just fuck our dates already?" She giggled.

I gave her a fake giggle because it's not what I want. I was dreading going back to the room with these pigs. Since I've been in this type of job I have never enjoyed it, I only enjoyed my intimacy with Marcos. Never another man. I was just high.

Marcos makes me happy, in despite of everything he does to me, what he put me through, I love him.

"Right." I mumbled back to her.

We were already on the arms of our guys; Sal and Nate. I have Nate and Mandy has Sal. They were surprising young like me; in their early twenties. They were single and just wanted to have some fun. They were under a lot of stress from their fathers to be perfect role models for the company. And if this party went well, the company would be handed down to them when the time was right.

They were cousins.

And their fathers were brothers. It was tradition to have the company handed down to them just like it was handed down to their fathers.

"I'm so excited for tonight." Nate smirked, his green eyes twinkled with mischief. They didn't look at all honest about what he proposed as the plan for tonight.

"Yeah." I gave him a small smile.

First, we were here under disguise, and I say disguise because we were to dress as if we aren't call girls. We needed to look normal.

It was fine with me. I didn't enjoy my work sober, but I have been feeling more and more like this since Matty and I reunited. I want to do something that he will feel proud of, not disgusted by.

Even after all these painful years, I still wanted and needed his approval; the best friend approval.

Mandy and Sal were loving all over each other and I hate her for it. Now, I was force to do the same for Nate. The men like to make it into a competition.

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