What I Have to Live For

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"Wake up, Anna!"

Matty's voice was was getting more and more faint every word he  spoke. I wanted to wake up, I wanted to open my eyes and tell him that I  was okay, but the darkness was getting brighter and brighter. The sky  was turning a beautiful blue and the grass was as green as ever, and the  air was getting lighter; it was easier to breath.

I didn't want to leave.

It felt easier here, earth was harder.

Living was harder.

Birds were chirping and the sun was shining so bright that the warmth  it produced was like a new layer of beautiful, flawless skin.

I didn't want to leave.

It was warmer here, life is cold.

"Anna, please!"  Matty cried, but it was so delicate that I barely heard him.

I needed to go to him, but I don't want to. He is where life is, and I didn't want to be there.

I thought before that I wanted to fight, but I didn't know that it  would be like this on the other side. I should have never fought so hard  against, I could have relieved my misery ages ago.

I was naive.

And then I seen her.


She had angel wings.

In all white.

There was a light surrounding her, it was so bright and inviting. I  went for it, but I wasn't moving, I couldn't reach her. She was too far  as she smiled at me, it was beaming. I need to get to her, but I  couldn't. "It's not time." She spoke softly, her smile was still there  but she begin to fade. "You have too much to live for."

"Wait, Mom!" I cried. "Wait!" I cried, but she was already gone. All that was left was darkness. "Mom!"

"Anna!" I heard Matty's voice again, and instead of becoming distant, it was closer than ever. "Anna, wake up!"

Jumping awake, I felt ice cold, rushing water against my chest.  Opening my eyes, I panicked as Matty's truck was now almost full with  lake water, it was now up to our chests. "Matty!" I panicked.

He was next to me, yanking on his seat-belt, it must be stuck because  he continued to work to get it loose. "My seat belt is stuck and too  tight around me, I can't move." His words were choppy as his his chin  trembled from the freezing water. "Reach in the glove compartment, I  have a pocket knife in there."

My seat belt was tightened around my body, it was really hard to  move. "I can't reach it, Matty." I cried, trying as hard as I could to  get to the glove compartment. The seat-belt burned against my skin as I  forced against it.

"You got it, Anna." He encouraged me. "Just reach as hard as you can."

My heart was pounding deep in my chest as I began to freakout even  more. We were going to die right here in the lake, we were going to  drown and there is nothing that we can do about it. The life that I have  been living has finally caught up with me and it showed no mercy. "I  can't do it, Matty."

"Anna, yes the fuck you can!" He shouted  over the rushing water. "You have to, if you don't we are going to  drown and die right here! Is that what you want?" I shook my head,  holding back the tears as I tried reaching for the glove compartment.  Tearing my skin against the seat-belt, I cried out as I used all of my  strength to reach for the latch. Getting my middle up under it, I tugged  as hard as I could. "That's it, Anna." He cheered me on just as the  latch popped and the door dropped open, I grabbed the knife easily since  it was closer to than the latch was.

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