My Whole Life

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****Three Years Later****

"Matty!"  I yelled, slowly getting up from the couch in our living room,  downstairs. He had just ran upstairs to grab his cellphone to order us  takeout. "Matty!" I almost screamed as I felt another contraction  coming, I'd been feeling them all night, but nothing like right now.

Just then I felt I felt some liquid running down my leg.

Standing up completely, I looked down at my feet the best that I could to see a puddle forming around my feet.

Oh, shit.

My water definitely just broke.

I  was a little over nine months pregnant. I was uncomfortable, hot, and  bloated every single day for the past three months and I was more than  ready to get this baby out.

"Yeah?" He yelled back as I heard him coming down the stairs.

I tried catching my breath, this contraction was taking a lot out of me. "Matty, I'm pretty sure my--"

"Eww,  Anna." He chuckled, walking back into the living room. "Did you pee  yourself? I thought I told you when you're feeling it come on to head to  the bathroom. I already had to shampoo the carpet upstairs from the  last time."

I wanted to knock his head off.

That's another  thing that pregnancy has brought on, a short fuse. I have never been so  emotional unstable in my entire life, not even was I was on drugs or  going through with withdrawals.

"I did not pee on myself!" I screamed, the contraction intensifying. "I think my water broke."

His brown eyes widened completely as he dropped his phone on the floor by his feet. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

"What do we do now?" He asked me like we hadn't gone over this a hundred time last month to prepare for this exact moment.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Seriously?" I plopped down on the couch in pain. "Go get my shoes and over night bag."

"Right!" He shouted, his pointer finger in the air.

Breathing through the pain, I rubbed my belly.

If he doesn't get it into gear I might just be having this baby on the couch.

At least it's leather...

Just  a couple minutes later, he came back with my hospital bag, my shoes, my  sweater, and cellphone. He now had his shoes and jacket on as he bent  down in front of me to put my shoes on. "Everything we went over last  month almost went out the window." He chuckled, nervously.

"That's not okay." I breathed out a short laugh.

He  got us out the door within the next two minutes. He helped me in truck  before getting in on the driver side. He sped to the hospital, breaking  ever speed limit on the way while calling the doctor to let him know  that we were on the way.

"Fuck, Matty!" I screamed, rubbing my  belly just as we pulled up to the hospital. "Have a baby, they say,  it'll be beautiful, they say."

He chuckled at me, but that quickly turned into a cough when I glared at him. "Let me get you out..." Matty trailed off.

A nurse wheeled out a wheelchair just as Matty opened my door to let me out.

The doctor must have called them to let them know that we were on our way up here.

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