Ninth Piece

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There's a big piece of me that wants to be with Matty right now. I know he is in this hotel, I can feel it. Almost everyone who attend this dinner was staying in this same hotel.

I want to be with him now, not with these immature little Nates.

Nate is literally cloned, his friends are just like him; annoying, rough, and arrogant. We've been in this hotel room for just 20 minutes and I could already feel that it was going to be a long fucking night.

Nate had excused the size of his suite. He was in a much smaller suite than he is use to because the higher ups booked all the bigger suites; the executive suites. His suite had a king size bed, a small bar, and a mini fridge. It was fancy looking, but nothing special.

Two of his friends from the dinner were here, but the other one here was not. I don't know if the fourth one is coming, I'm praying for no because I don't want to deal with them all at once.

I just sat over in a corner of the room, in a chair dreading how my night is going to go; awful. They were all obnoxious so far and I hated everything about them.

"Did you hear Martinez's speech?" One of Nate's friends scoffed, Max. I had to admit though, he's pretty cute. "Like he really cared about the rest of us who were in a running against him."

Nate scoffed too. "Did I? What a fucking jerk? He was just trying to point out the people he completely devoured by getting this promotion."

"Right." His other friend spoke up. I think he said his name was Wade, I really don't remember. "He doesn't give two flying fucks about us."

Wade apparently was never in the finally running since he didn't get promoted up under the CEO position. The rest of them had been promoted, next in line was CEO.

Nate scoffed. "Wade, us? You were never in the running for CEO you fucking blob." He took at jab at Wade's heavyset weight.


Wade shut his mouth, he knows that he can't relate because he wasn't called out during Matty's speech. But I thought it was comical to make them all stand up in front of everyone, to let everyone know who didn't get the position.

However, it was Nate's fault, he was hurting me.

Matty got his attention for me.

"Fuck, Martinez." His other friend laughed, it was Pete. Pete wasn't even at the dinner so he is just agreeing with his friends on whatever they say, he knows nothing. It could also be that he's high as a fucking kite. He came a squatted down in front of me with a big, cloudy smile. "X?" He whispered, opening his hand. There were two small, round blue pills in the palm of his hand.

I couldn't resist.

I snatched up the pills and swallowed them back with no drink.

If I'm going to do this, I definitely can't do it sober.

I returned his smile.

Thank you, Pete.

Pete pulled me to the bed, he laid down first and then pulled me on top of him with a laugh. He was really cute, so I wasn't completely grossed out. His hands were all over me; my breasts, my legs, my ass, my stomach, and between my legs. He wasn't exactly rough, I just wasn't feeling it yet which is way my first instinct was to push him away.

These pills don't work that fast, dude.

Instead of pushing him off, I had to pretend to like it. I have a job to do.

"Greg isn't coming, guys." Nate announced, looking down at his phone. "His girlfriend decided not to go out with her friends."

The other guys laughed. "Loser." Max chuckled, sowing the rest of his drink.

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